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  1. Ola

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    For the sake of stirring up some actual arguments in this thread I will object to two things mentioned. Simply because sometimes when people nerdrage over these particular things I almost nerdrage over their nerdrage. xD I seriously never got this. Sure, in some cases the originals are...
  2. Ola

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Off the top of my head: 1. Blizzard Entertainment and the way they happily trample all over world lore in their games, rewrite and clearly make shit up as they go along. I roleplay in WoW, and it would be helpful if they wouldn't retcon integral parts of the story all the fucking time. 2. If...
  3. Ola

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Bwahaha! You have no idea how often I get told that xD Especially out at bars, where strangers are a bit more jolly and social than usual. :rolleyes: No one remembers what he's called though, so I'll usually have to settle with being "American Chopper Guy" :p
  4. Ola

    2011-2012 NHL Thread

    Well, today is Christmas Eve for all hockey fans! :D I don't have a favorite NHL team - being a "furreigner" and all I never really grew up rooting for any particular franchise. But I usually tend to half-cheer for the caps since I love Ovechkin and, while I didn't like Backstrom back when he...
  5. Ola

    Favorite part of a movie

    From a couple of my favorite films... Donnie Darko I got two favorite scenes in this one. First is the humorous one where Donnie completely owns his hippie teacher. The second one is the Theatre Scene. It's so damn eerie, and at the same time I love the dialogue. :D Donnie: "Why are you...
  6. Ola

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I confess that I agreed to color my beard red on a drunken dare last night... :rolleyes:
  7. Ola

    Favorite Drink?

    Well I constantly dabble in my own drinks to find solid, well-tasting mixes, but for hard liquor I'd go with either Gentleman Jack on the rocks, or preferably Absinthe since you get to be such an awesome kind of drunk from that. As an all-occasions standard drink I go with "Jägermonster"...
  8. Ola

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Old picture, just found it on my computer. 'tis from my old Red Bull phase, but I'm a Monster convert now. Sadly the latter is sold in bigger cans, so I can't show off with those. :p
  9. Ola

    seeking... advice?

    I see you got some solid advice already, but I'll throw mine in anyway just because I'm impressed with your openness. Kudos on coming out and asking! First of all, where there's a will there's always a way. So don't worry, mate. :) Fear is the enemy of success! Secondly, as a BHM I've only...
  10. Ola

    The thread for random single confessions!

    I confess that after tomorrow I will be lucky if I escape with my life! xD It's gonna be me, my drinking buddy, four bottles of liquor, and a drunken dare by our friends to film a cooking show where the main ingredient in every course is Green Monster Energydrink. We are, of course, expected to...
  11. Ola

    Godwin me now...

    It's kinda interesting to see the same rhetoric used in America. A lot of people draw parallels between WW2 and the growing islamophobia in Europe also, saying that "the muslim is the new jew" in terms of being discriminated against. What's scary in our case though, is that a lot of these...
  12. Ola

    Swedish man arrested for trying to split atoms in his kitchen

    On some level, this is pretty damn funny - but it's also a bit scary. Imagine; technology and information is becoming readily more accessible to common people by the day. How long until a new serial killer or school shooter decides to, instead of buying a gun and going out killing people the old...
  13. Ola

    Republicans' debt ceiling shenanigans tarnishing U.S. global image

    Well to be fair, "some people" exist in Europe as well, and I have to deal with them on almost a daily basis due to being politically active. Haters are always gonna hate, regardless of nationality; it's nothing that the rest need to apologize for. Obviously people screaming "fuck Europe, it can...
  14. Ola

    Republicans' debt ceiling shenanigans tarnishing U.S. global image

    Normally I stay away from political bickering on online forums, for there is just no chance of rational debate. But I can't hold myself back anymore. Yes, I detect absolutely no blind political bias in your rhetoric whatsoever. :) There is a time and place for everything. Sometimes tax cuts...
  15. Ola

    Confessing to my family...

    Seeing as you'll eventually end up with a lady significant other it will be impossible to keep this under wraps forever, so you might as well just come out and tell them now and give them time to reflect and get used to it. I know that isn't much help - especially coming from a straight guy who...
  16. Ola

    What is making you SAD right now...

    A friend was supposed to come over to my place today for a drunken night of awesome, but he had to reschedule to Friday, meaning I am now insufferably bored. :( Tragic, I know! xD On a positive note though, it all gave me an excuse to tell him "fine, but then you owe me a bottle of...
  17. Ola

    are you a snuggler or not and why?

    I'm a cuddle whore, lol. I prefer using physical contact to express affection, even if it's as brief as a hug or a pat on the back. As for why, I don't know. I can get all psychological on you if you want, but then we'll be here all day. :p
  18. Ola

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    I hate to use the word "conformist", but can't think of a better one right now. Basically, vanilla people that are too afraid to let loose and be themselves will make me lose interest right away. Oh and other people mention lying, being an asshole, etc, but to me those things are not turn-offs...
  19. Ola

    Hi girls im new here

    Wait wait wait... let me get this straight: You post an introduction that really doesn't say anything about who you are, but people are kind enough to still reply and welcome you and help you out with some advice. You respond by acting snarky and insulting, and when people get upset about that...
  20. Ola

    Comic BHM's On Comedy Central Tonight!

    I missed this, but I just have to say... Gabriel Inglesias is fucking AWESOME! :D