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  1. StickMan

    Asexual Awareness Week!

    Yay! More aces! I'm surprised it's mostly women here, though. From my experience most asexual people are guys.
  2. StickMan

    A right to marriage

    Oh god no. This decision is FAR from the end. Hopefully things become even MORE fair from here on out. :)
  3. StickMan

    Blind Game, ~FA, ~BBW, ~Sensual

    Probably the best "realistic" wg story I've read in ages! Great job! I love how you changed all of the description into pure audio and tactile cues to better represent James' "worldview"
  4. StickMan

    Nano - by Billsfan248 - ~BBW, stuffing, ~MWG

    With a post-scarcity economy comes post-scarcity-economy-sized people. (Great story, by the way)
  5. StickMan

    The Obesity Epidemic Fantasy~XWGN~Mild Sex

    Bloody excellent, man. Reminds me a bit of World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide, oddly enough.
  6. StickMan

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    Ahh, Tess Munster. One of my friends introduced me to her work a few years ago, and I've been a huge fan ever since.
  7. StickMan

    Obese women show impaired learning in face of food

    I wouldn't read TOO much into this; hell, I'm 5'8", 130 lbs, and a dude, and I'm pretty sure you'll have a hard time teaching me about complex math if you've put a bowl of pasta or some bacon in front of me.
  8. StickMan

    How do men really feel about overweight women?

    Considering how much of the general population is overweight now, if men didn't at least accept BBWs we'd be in pretty bad shape as a species, wouldn't we? :P
  9. StickMan

    Before better than After

    OK, so trying to be objective here: The woman from the article lost weight because she was feeling unhealthy and couldn't really keep up with her children. She did what she thought was right, and not knowing her family life personally we can't judge any better than the article can. THAT...
  10. StickMan

    2014 Singles Thread

    You and me both, sister. I just thinking of popping in to let people know I'd gotten a gf when she dumped me.
  11. StickMan


    They're banking on always having the majority (however slim it gets) in the Senate as well as having Democratic president, and while America as a whole is slowly sliding to the Left (socially speaking; as long as big businesses keep their fingers in govt we're going to stay Right-leaning...
  12. StickMan

    The uh biggest part of your body

    My butt, definitely. I've met people with bigger butts than mine, but they're all heavier than I am by a LOT. (I'm a skinny, ballet-dancing FA, so it's ALL muscle. ^_^)
  13. StickMan

    Ladies--Some Quick Story Help

    Wrong section for this; there's a story reader's forum that'll get you the info you need post-haste. Can we get a mod in here to move this thread over there?
  14. StickMan

    Fit men and chubby women

    I like being fit, and I like fat (or at least chubby) women. It's as simple as that! :)
  15. StickMan

    2013 Singles Palooza

    Protip: If you're a lady and want a boyfriend, just have me develop a crush on you. The INSTANT I think of revealing my feelings to you, someone will drop out of the sky and you'll hit it off with him (or in at least one case, her) I think a gypsy cursed me, you guys...
  16. StickMan

    Apples or Pears, Tits or Ass

    Honestly I'm so starved for choice I'd happily shack up with a banana. Not even a girl shaped like a banana, an actual banana. (Don't let me near a supermarket.)
  17. StickMan

    Printed Weapons

    I honestly don't think this is something we need to worry about for a while. I remember the first 3D printer prototypes were first developed almost 7 years ago and they still haven't seen widespread use. Yes, anyone who gets their hands on the 3D blueprints and a 3D printer can make all the guns...
  18. StickMan

    Pope Francis Admiration Society Thread

    I am beyond pleased with Pope Francis. Less than 3 months in his new office and he's already had more to say on the subject of poverty than Benedict ever did. I heard on NPR that he actively moved to suppress community outreach programs in certain parts of the world due to supposed "Marxist...
  19. StickMan

    Aspiring BBW Fetish Model Gorging Herself to Gain 200 Pounds

    She's gorgeous, but I do worry she's pushing herself too hard. She aims to gain almost 200 lbs by the end of the year? Ouch. I'm not a gainer myself (dancers have to stay lean) but I do wonder at the effect this might have on her health. Any BBWs/feedees with expertise in this area to comment?