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  1. Dolce


    Anyone in the Twin Cities?
  2. Dolce

    Patty Sanchez, drops 200+ pounds and gets rid of feeder boyfriend.

    Good for you, Patty! Always such a warm person full of vitality. It's great to see you happy with your family.
  3. Dolce

    The most painful feeling in the world

    Sorry, it's limerence.
  4. Dolce

    The most painful feeling in the world

    It's called limerance.
  5. Dolce

    Loving and supporting someone with binge eating disorder

    I am seeing a guy, a big guy. He is in treatment for binge eating disorder. he is losing weight and will continue to lose weight (although that is not the "goal" of his treatment). He knows I am a "fat appreciator" and he can certainly tell when I rub his tummy while we make out. I don't feel...
  6. Dolce


    I would really appreciate some pics in this thread. If you can't post pics then at least draw a picture. I am seeing a guy who is sooooooo friggin' hot and about 380... first big guy for me, too, and I am pretty damn excited! He's a total hunk.. I feel like I hit the jackpot :)
  7. Dolce

    BOTH Ten to One - by Xyantha (~BHM/~BBW, Romance, ~SWG)

    Moar please, moar please please please
  8. Dolce

    Has Gaining Gone Too Far?

    But to be fair I suppose you did misquote yourself... :)
  9. Dolce

    Has Gaining Gone Too Far?

    Surlysomething, First of all this is not meant to be an attack on you but rather a diffuse opinion on the use of pity and psuedo empathy to shame and manipulate people. So imagine a person (could be a stranger, your sister, your neighbor, brother-in-law, whatev) comes up to you in any given...
  10. Dolce

    Has Gaining Gone Too Far?

    I just don't see the point in feeling sorry for someone who doesn't feel sorry for themselves.. Seems like a waste of energy and kind of histrionic, IMO . I mean what exactly does the "worrying for" accomplish except to put people on the defensive? I have my own very detailed philosophy of...
  11. Dolce

    Has Gaining Gone Too Far?

    BigMac, I think posts like this, written in this self-righteous fashion, ease your anxiety and guilt more than they enlighten any would be feedees. You also demonstrate a level of anxiety and lack of self awareness that is quite unbecoming. I find your compassion to be of the hysterical variety...
  12. Dolce


    Hey all. Just wondering how you all experience and deal with PMS. I have a 28 - 30 day cycle. During the follicular phase (the first 2 weeks) I have unlimited energy; I feel cheerful, sweet, and get plenty of unsolicited attention from men. As soon as I ovulate and enter the luteal phase...
  13. Dolce

    Encounter with Fat Hate: The Room (movie)

    Wow, I cannot imagine how terrifying the whole ordeal must have been at the time. I watched a few scenes of the female lead on youtube. Very pretty/cute and not in the least bit fat. Hardly, hardly chubby. Not that it even matters. Men that yell slurs like that are hardly discriminating in...
  14. Dolce

    Anyone else make their husbands hide the goodies?

    I am totally and absolutely addicted to chocolate. I found out awhile ago that I am gluten intolerant (never been tested for Celiac and don't care to be. Why would I want THAT as a pre-existing condition in my health record?) and since then chocolate has been my go to guilty pleasure. I eat a...
  15. Dolce

    REAL eating disorder…

    Why would you even post this? The irony... do you even know where you are, son? Think, think, think...
  16. Dolce

    2012 Singles Thread

    Single. It is what it is. Although I can happily say that I am finally ready and emotionally mature enough for a serious intimate relationship. It's been a long road and sometimes I really have to do a #facepalm when I think about just how much of my twenties have been spent all cooped up but...
  17. Dolce

    Asperger's Syndrome and FA-dom

    Here, here!
  18. Dolce

    BHM Cravats and Coat Tails - by Xyantha (~BHM, ~~WG, Romance)

    This is by far one of the best, of not the very best, weight gain fiction I have ever read. I really don't want this story to end. I think Kitty and Raoul need a novel. Or four :)
  19. Dolce

    Fom feedee to feeder...

    I've always considered myself a feedee although I often times find myself very attracted to bigger guys. As the years go by I find myself more and more intrigued by the thought of being the more domineering partner, at least sexually, and I think it would be hot to fatten a bf or husband. Anyone...
  20. Dolce

    What first got you into bigger women?

    When I was little I always loved food. In fact, it is a common joke in our family that I would eat whole boxes of sugar cubes if they were left within my reach. From what my mom tells me, she was concerned about the amount of sweets I consumed because it was simply so excessive. I always...