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  1. M

    Sandra Weber-Zitkus (1960-2016)

    I was just thinking about her, and Dimensions, the other day which prompted me to return and take a look around. Imagine my sadness when reading this post. :( My heart hurts for you. I'll always remember Sandie as a beautiful, passionate, fiercely protective woman who owned her...
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    I Am Struggling With Depression

    That's a question I ask myself as well. *sigh* I hope you can find the peace you deserve.
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    Cystic Fibrosis and Weight Gain

    It's not just about weight gain but about nutrition. A brief google search revealed this article from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Here are a couple of neat'oh articles as well. Nutrition throughout life Food ideas and Recipes Vitamin and Minerals Hope this helps!
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    I Am Struggling With Depression

    Oh, no. That's just awful. I'm so sorry. I hope that by now you're feeling better. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
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    I Am Struggling With Depression

    CP, I cannot express how happy this makes me! I'm such a believer in using natural substances to regulate mood, and am glad you've had such good luck! I've been a huge believer of Vitamin D for my patients and friends, but because of my Sarcoidosis and the high levels of D it can cause in...
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    I'm so glad those are helping you, CP! Adrenal fatigue is something we've known about in the alternative community for a long time; it's only recently that western medicine providers have picked it up and run with it. (Not unlike probiotics -- I've been using and recommending acidophilus et al...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    I hope that by now you have gone to the doctor and started getting treated. I know that it hurts when we feel criticized, but remember -- as bad as it is, you can't die from it. However, some of the complications of PCOS (like heart disease and diabetes) can be disabling and deadly. So please...
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    I Am Struggling With Depression

    Yes, I know what you mean!!! It takes a huge amount of effort to be "okay" when you're not feeling okay. I would like to think it'll get easier with time (fingers, toes and eyes crossed). Aw I'm sorry, Carla. That sucks. :mad: BTW, how are you liking Wellbutrin? I've heard good things but it...
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    I Am Struggling With Depression

    It's nice when we have the presence of mind -- and the distance from our emotions -- to tell the depression to go to hell! Happy Thanksgiving!
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    My WLS Journey Parts 1&2

    Yup, she's absolutely glowing! Now that I'm out in public working as a NP intern, I'm running into more and more people who have, over the years, stopped having testing done and stopped taking supplements. A couple o them have said to me that, "Since I gained my weight back I figure I'm...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    By worse you mean like Stage II pulmonary Sarcoidosis, Pseudotumor cerebri, migraine headaches, cataracts, thyroid cancer and blood clots? You mean like that kind of worse? Yeah it's a regular party around here. Plus, since my legs are so disfigured from the torturous varicosities, and...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    Folliculitis? On your breast? Who knew??? My health related kvetch? I had laser vein surgery done on my varicose veins last week and I have to wear compression stockings for two weeks. Can I just say how much I hate them? Now granted, they come in cute colors -- yesterday I wore my grape...
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    A tale from a nursing home

    I hope you're wrong too but dialysis isn't like it was 20 years ago. There are many options and it can be done outpatient with minimal discomfort and disruption. Also, since ideally they have to make a fistula between artery and vein in the arm it's a minor surgical procedure but it has to heal...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    So glad to hear it's not cancer (gotta say I started thinking about inflammatory breast cancer, darlin'). I'm glad you're getting a mammo. They're not fun but it'll give you a nice pretty picture of your healthy breast. Oh Mishe, I'm so sorry. You know, since finishing my classes for my...
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    CP, have they ever tried Provigil or Nuvigil with you? As you guys were saying, there's just so much you can do with thyroid meds and ultimately if it's the Chronic Fatigue, sometimes you need to focus on just the fatigue itself. My provider put me on Nuvigil (which has been FDA approved for...
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    A tale from a nursing home

    Russell, I assume that Louise sees a nephrologist (kidney specialist)? If not, she should. Yes, the GFR can increase, but the concern I have is that hers is trending down. As M2M pointed out, there are many diseases that can cause kidney damage; some of them are manageable and the GFR can...
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    Another thing to consider with WLS

    Right. Unfortunately for my brother, they missed his mental health disorders and he "out ate" his surgery several times, dying early from complications of diabetes. I, OTOH, as much as I love to eat, limit it to mere enjoyment and not self medication. I'd like to think this is why I've had...
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    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    The hubby and I are playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have a level 33 smuggler and he's got a jedi the same level. It's pretty fun and not too difficult for a non-video-gamer like me. We also started playing The Secret War but it doesn't play well on my machine. However, if you're into...
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    Remember me?

    Welcome back! See you in Hyde Park?
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    National Empty Chair Day

    Nope but because it's Obama, not Bush, it's obviously a problem. It's not a big deal and these guys are never truly on vacation. Yeah it doesn't matter to me. Whether it's clearing brush in Texas or golfing, I don't care. As long as they're available in an emergency, which I imagine they...