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  1. dblbellybhm

    Fat Words

    A very interesting post. Husky and portly, to me, seem more descriptive of men. There used to be a "Husky" section in the children's section of department stores. Obese, is more generic. Voluptuous, curvaceous and Reubenesque are lovely words for women. For women I also like soft, plush...
  2. dblbellybhm

    What song is currently stuck in your head?

    1-877-Kars for Kids https://youtu.be/K8UV7SAhvG4
  3. dblbellybhm

    Childhood FA/FFA-ness?

    I remember fantasizing about being fat starting around five years old. I would stuff sofa pillows under my shits and sometimes went outside like that. By eight years old I was eating to get fat and feed my fantasy. By the time I was 12-13 I realized that I was only attracted to the fat girls...
  4. dblbellybhm

    Patty Sanchez, drops 200+ pounds and gets rid of feeder boyfriend.

    I feel that we have responsibility and ownership of our bodies. If one enjoys gaining weight and/or prefers to be fat that is their decision. Also, if weight gets to a point where one feels the quality of their lives is diminished then losing weight is that person's decision not the decision...
  5. dblbellybhm

    Pet Peeves

    The word is jewelry not "jewlery"! What's the difference you say? Jewelry is made from jewels! On the checkout lane in the supermarket: get your form of payment ready while the cashier scans your items or even sooner. Don't fumble around while engaging the cashier in conversation as she...
  6. dblbellybhm

    XL or XXL?

    I moved up to XXL in cotton knits and microfiber. They are comfortable plus they give me room to grow.
  7. dblbellybhm

    The Fat Naked Art Project

    Great concept. :) And wonderful project.👏
  8. dblbellybhm

    Dear Oprah

    My first reaction was that Oprah was a business genius: buy 10% of Weight Watchers and then advertise your involvement/commitment. What better way to insure your own success in making money! I don't feel that Weight Watchers is evil. I know people that have lost weight on their plan but like...
  9. dblbellybhm

    New Year's Resolutions

    Improving all my relationships: wife, family, friends. Loving more, playing more, worrying less. Improving my diet but not necessarily losing weight as that has not worked too well for me in the past. Hopefully, not focusing exclusively on that issue will be more beneficial. Happy New Year to...
  10. dblbellybhm

    Lost 170 Pounds And Hated It??

    An interesting article and viewpoint. Pretty much coincides with my own views (that's why I like it). I've been fat most of my life with the exception of a few thin years. I have always preferred being fat vs thin as I never identified with nor felt comfortable with "thin me", incentivizing...
  11. dblbellybhm

    How many inches is your belly ?

    Around my waist at the navel, it's 45" but my belly above the navel at its largest is 54"
  12. dblbellybhm

    A chance to apologize

    An excellent article on apology and forgiveness. It's a wide spread need. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27/fashion/how-to-forgive-in-four-steps.html?_r=0
  13. dblbellybhm

    weight distribution

    Agreeing with a lot of others here: genetics is a big factor. I have never found a nutritional formula for gaining in one specific area.
  14. dblbellybhm

    Fit guy/Fat girl (Or vice versa)

    I don't think it matters if the guy is fit or the girl is fit. I feel that the issue is that there are people who can not understand or accept that fat can be beautiful and that people can be attracted to a "fat" (by their definition) person. I think one can be a fit person dating a fat...
  15. dblbellybhm

    Mom strips in public to push self-love message

    I am in awe of her bravery.:bow: Another stance for positive body image and this was heartwarming and hopeful.
  16. dblbellybhm

    Do we still need a separate BHM/FFA board?

    It would be a shame to see this forum closed. I agree with many of the opinions that have already been posted. I feel that it is one of the more active and interesting boards. As a BHM I feel comfortable here. It is a special niche on the internet.
  17. dblbellybhm

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    This is one from my Fat As Art project.
  18. dblbellybhm

    Squishy belly- should I gain?

    You have to eat more calories than you use. It's hard to predict what part of your body will grow the most. Try gaining 20 lbs and that should tell you where you gain and if you enjoy it. Good luck no matter what you decide.:eat1:
  19. dblbellybhm

    Enjoying being fat (not about food or sex)?

    I love being fat and I have felt this way since I was a little kid. :D
  20. dblbellybhm

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    She was interviewed on the TODAY Show this morning. She was very well spoken. Savannah Guthrie did ask the "health" question. Her answer was right on point: if a person wants to make changes for themselves then do it. Until that time be happy and confident in your self. She was not advocating...