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  1. M

    hi...i'm also looking for a certain story

    Anyone remember a story about a guy who goes to checkups at his doctor's office and both he and the nurse/assistant there are fatter each time? i think it ends with him taking her out to a cafe or a donut shop... I don't know if this originally appeared on Dims or elsewhere. Any help is...
  2. M

    Are you a vegan or a carnivore?

    vegan for 10 years.
  3. M

    The Trainer - by Uncle Jack (~BBW, ~~WG)

    Yum. Great job so far.
  4. M

    BMI - What's Yours?

    I'm a huge mj/electro fan as well as an animal lover. You could moonwalk into my heart. :) "Let's dance, let's shout. Shake your body down to the ground."
  5. M

    BMI - What's Yours?

    Lovely to meet another veggie on this board. :)
  6. M

    My Weight Gain!

    your thighs have plumped up to a level of awesomeness rarely achieved.
  7. M

    Los Angeles

    Thanks! Yes, it couldn't be more different. I needed the change though and so far it's been a great change.
  8. M

    Los Angeles

    i just moved to San Diego from New York. Still getting my bearings...
  9. M

    Lose the Battle; Win the War by NKT - ]~BBW, Realistic, Mild Sex, ~SWG

    always a favorite...thanks for continuing...
  10. M

    Wider than tall

    ruby, i really miss your old blog!
  11. M

    Yellow part I (BBW, Very explicit sex)

    Delicious. If only there was a Part 2. :smitten:
  12. M

    Gainers, Posy your before and after pics here.

    Happy, your post of acceptance is what it's all about here (or should be). Thanks!
  13. M

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    That is one of the best pics of you! Very pretty.
  14. M

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    very nice. wish you would post more often. :)
  15. M

    Horny Meter

    where do you live? i'm not just asking in relation to your self-rating...
  16. M

    Crazy Weather this Halloween Weekend - Rare Snow Storm in NYC

    not too subtle, am i. :) but what can i say, i'm a cuddler at heart. just looking for my happy-faced girl. :happy:
  17. M

    Crazy Weather this Halloween Weekend - Rare Snow Storm in NYC

    at least the snow and chilly air makes for nice cuddling weather. time to find a nice girl to cuddle!:wubu:
  18. M

    put on a bit of weight...now im thinking bigger?

    the female form is so beautiful. as you fill out it just seems so much more womanly...and therefore, to me, even more beautiful.
  19. M

    Before And After!!!

    Mmmm. SO well-said. :eat2: