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  1. doafm

    Dimensions YouTube Page

    Excellent! I've actually been around youtube a while now: http://www.youtube.com/DeathOfAFatMan http://www.youtube.com/thefatastic5 I've taken a long hiatus from making videos though. Perhaps when I get my new camera I will put something together for it! Very cool idea and def a fan of...
  2. doafm

    To lose or not to lose, that is the question.

    Very true, I don't think I could ever really be small. Don't have the frame for it. I suppose it's an adjustment period I did not give myself long enough to experience. I absolutly agree that is the way to go. That is the only way I was able to lose the weight in the first place. You...
  3. doafm

    To lose or not to lose, that is the question.

    Hey everybody, So as you may have guessed by that little number the the left of this post I'm new here. Little apprehensive about making a new thread, but in reading around quite a bit realize this is the best place to bring up this topic. First some background. As of today I am 6'2" tall...
  4. doafm

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Yup, I'm a fan.
  5. doafm

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    As a neWbZor I am compelled to participate.. I'm feeling collagey.
  6. doafm

    Attached or looking?

    Damn that Canada, with it's clean cities and generally pleasant disposition! But the food is good... How was that? I may need more practice...
  7. doafm

    FFA Prowling Around...

    **Raises Hand** Question: When a dude pretends to be a chick online (which based on your response above is rather frequent) what is the motivating factor? Would it be a desire to explore their latent homosexual tendencies, or do they just enjoy the concept of having a set of their own boobs?
  8. doafm

    Attached or looking?

    Every time I get down about being in Syracuse I just remind myself "hey, at least it's not Utica." Thanks for the welcome Mr. B. I was going to rip on Buffalo, but then remembered I had Fuddruckers for the first time there. I believe that legally binds me from saying anything negative about...
  9. doafm

    do u guys prefer

    I prefer it shaved in the shape of a four leafed clover, ya know, for luck.
  10. doafm

    Attached or looking?

    Don't forget cloudy days. We are really good at that as well! Thanks for the welcome, glad I'm not the only CNY'er around! :happy:
  11. doafm

    Tattoo thread

  12. doafm

    The Really Bad Joke Thread

    Who's the guy with no arms and no legs floating in the ocean? Bob What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? Dam!
  13. doafm

    Attached or looking?

    Been looking going on oh about 8ish years. Syracuse, NY has not been all that BHM friendly! Regardless I stand resolute!