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  1. H

    Ruby Ripples has passed away.

    I too hope it is not true; she and I knew each other a long time, and were very close for while until life made contact less and less. If true, may she rest in peace.
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    anyone from missouri

    STL here (:
  3. H

    How did you become so fat?

    Food loves me too much
  4. H

    The most important New Years song...

  5. H

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Last night: Star Wars Holiday Special, with the Rifftrax treatment (MST3K guys) (0/10 for the nonRiff part 9/10 with) then My Dinner With Andre (7/10) Tonight: Head (Monkees)
  6. H

    Post pictures of your Christmas Trees 2011 Edition

    Here's Noob in front of the tree. She found which present had her goodies in it.
  7. H

    Hey kids long time no see

    im not that scary! well ok Missouri has given me methteeths! and hey Zoom hows Chi-town
  8. H

    2011 NFL Thread

    Come on Indy, a couple more wins and maybe the Rams will get the #1 draft pick!
  9. H

    Hey kids long time no see

    Brownies (and cheetos!) for all! TMuse! How's my fellow Oct 11'er doing!
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    Hey kids long time no see

  11. H

    Hey kids long time no see

    Good to see all of you too..and congrats miss Mellie! or Mrs ____
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    Hey kids long time no see

    wheeeeeeeeeee Mellie!
  13. H

    Our Darling Doggies thread

    Here's my Noob during a camping trip!
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    Hey kids long time no see

    How is everyone doing these days?
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    A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

    From Chippy n company!
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    Dims Crushes

    Is the answer Jesus?
  17. H

    Something for the weekend fellow FA's

    Is it bad that when I'm reading an article on a college football game (NIU's loss to Miami) I focus on this picture: Ah to be young again. Then thing's I'd do differently in college knowing what I know now ;) /returns to lurk mode