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  1. Shan34

    Friends who self-fat-shame and believe they are unattractive and stuff

    Took the words right out of my mouth, in a very organized and easy to understand way. Molly dear, you're not alone! My .02 cents? Brush this shit off, don't even acknowledge comments like that anymore and instead let yourself shine and show them that life doesn't need to wait for some...
  2. Shan34

    looking for office chair

    Casual Male also has some nice ones. They aren't cheap though!
  3. Shan34


    Hello! It's nearly 11 pm in Kansas :) Welcome!
  4. Shan34

    Rep Your Pets!

    My animal family keeps growing, and thinking I'm just effing crazy. :P From top: Mona the mastiff, Punk the cat, Sid the bull snake, Stella the ball python, Timmy the hognose, Dino the 3 toed turtle, Tito the ornate turtle, Tiny Ruby the other ornate, Pippa the rat (she's sooo sweet), and her...
  5. Shan34

    One Completely Random Song Lyric

    So, I got edges that scratch And sometimes I don't got a filter But I'm so tired of eatin' all of my misspoken words
  6. Shan34

    Ever feel stuck in your 20s?

    Oh gawd! I'm hopelessly and happily stuck in my twenties. But I have started to have questions like: Am I too old for _____?
  7. Shan34

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    This could be therapy. Dear M, I'm growing real tired of your words making me feel ugly. Of all the words you could chose to say to me....that's what you pick? I dunno if it's just a sickness or a sadness. Perhaps both. Signed, Don't know if I've got what's needed to hang in here.
  8. Shan34

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Sick Puppies, You're Going Down
  9. Shan34

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    Ohhh hell, that looks like too much fun! Let me on! :D My very first ever coaster...yikes and hell yes! With my bff, lifelong friend. And I just had to throw in the second pic :D
  10. Shan34

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    That's a loaded question as there seems to be more things annoying me than I even realize. But I'll start with the typical, the weather. Miss my BFF. Had too much fun in Vegas and having a hard time getting back to real life...well and I just don't wanna!
  11. Shan34

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Pretty much anything I don't have to cook. I need a chef in my life!
  12. Shan34

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Super sad and slightly more than a little annoyed that my present commitments and responsibilities are going to make me miss out on seeing my very best friend in Vegas. Times like these I wish I had a different life.
  13. Shan34

    I *hate* talking to my family about how I'm doing / my health

    Yes. I've already decided that I will not volunteer any info unless I'm dying. I'm just stubborn or private or whatever, but ultimately I feel like it's nobody's business. It's my life and I will handle it. Not sure this is helpful to you, but that's how I deal with family lol
  14. Shan34

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Drive - Incubus E
  15. Shan34

    Let's see an OLD pic of you!

    Totally adorable!!! Me about 14/15 years old ...
  16. Shan34

    What is your general culture?

    United States. Interesting to see the results...
  17. Shan34

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    I had pork roast in the crock pot the other night. Thinking about putting the leftovers (there's quite a bit) back in the crock with some bbq sauce for pulled pork. Think that's a bad idea?
  18. Shan34

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Tried something new, was almost too easy. Bacon wrapped, pesto smothered chicken with angel hair pasta. It was really pretty good. No doubt I loved the pasta more, because I seem to love love carbs and just sorta like meat.
  19. Shan34

    Armpit fat

    Yes. I have them too. I do wish I had CastingPearls ability to not let it stop me from going strapless, I'd settle for spaghetti straps even. I do not wear tank tops anywhere except home....acceptance is a long road to hoe.
  20. Shan34

    BBW Confessions thread

    I recently got hit on by a Marine and the owner of the Mexican restaurant I had just ordered lunch from. He wanted to take me on a date, said he was in love with my eyes. I left feeling pretty good until the cynical side of me kicked in and said he probably hits on all the fatties so they come...