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  1. Wholelottarosie78

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Cherry Sours. :mad: the rest of you have made me so hungry I am going to die! Go to hell with all your badass food :I'm going out. LOL :kiss2:
  2. Wholelottarosie78

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Never Been to Spain by Three Dog Night ( or Elvis whoever you prefer) N
  3. Wholelottarosie78

    apprehension about skinny men

    Sounds like to me you need to work on it yourself AND on yourself sweetheart. The only way to get something done right is to do it yourself. The only person you are going to make miserable with your current attitude( "I have found out that all men are not worth trusting."... a tad grandiose...
  4. Wholelottarosie78

    apprehension about skinny men

    I feel the term "Player" or "Playa" is more of a personal status or lifestyle that is chosen and given validation by others. What you are describing here is a stereotype of a playa and yes some men wear this badge proudly and truly don't give a shit, just part of the identified stereotype and...
  5. Wholelottarosie78

    True Blood

    Loved it, so excited to see where the writers take us this season: had to watch alone which is very different than last year and very bittersweet but least I got my La La. :kiss2:
  6. Wholelottarosie78

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC I still cry for him when I'm alone. Not for who he is but who I thought he was. WTF was I thinking? Crying for me too I guess.
  7. Wholelottarosie78

    2011 Singles thread

    I laughed out loud when I read this. What is it with guys and dick pics? I like peniss' ( or would it be pen-i) but I agree with you completly on this one: and have been there.
  8. Wholelottarosie78

    Learn 50 Things.....

    1. Do you like blue cheese? In 1 form..salad dressing 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Hell no. Haven't you seen "Trainspotting"? 3. Do you own a gun? Yes I do 4. Favorite sandwich at McDonalds? Double Quarter Pounder 5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No, afraid of the...
  9. Wholelottarosie78

    i was wondering has anyone gave up looking for their dream bbw/ssbbw

    I like that someone had the literal "balls" to bring this subject up. I have in the past entertained to possibility of "giving up" also. However , the curious thing I found was as I matured so did my ideal of my "dream guy". As a young woman I thank the Gods for this because I have no idea...
  10. Wholelottarosie78

    i'm in the midwest. anyone want to hang out?

    Nebraska anyone? Where are all the FA's round here?
  11. Wholelottarosie78

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Yakety Yak-The Coasters (great oldie) K
  12. Wholelottarosie78

    2011 Singles thread

    Single. :kiss2:
  13. Wholelottarosie78

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Very cute.
  14. Wholelottarosie78

    Honey Badger doesn't give a sh*t....

    I love Randall! Boobie Dance ~> http://www.youtube.com/user/czg123#p/c/2A9D6BFCC78EDB71/12/S3Ucz3aluoA
  15. Wholelottarosie78

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Glad to have you with us! you are very handsome!
  16. Wholelottarosie78

    Guys Who Like Fat Chicks: Village Voice Article

    I really enjoyed this article: I am a confident ssbbw but I am always wanting to expand my views about this dance we call dating/love. I think that is the key to this article. Although a little tongue in cheek, the word I took away from this article is OPENNESS: articles like this can be very...
  17. Wholelottarosie78

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    "Smile" by Lily Allen- Don't roll your eyes people :) I love all types of music but for some reason this was the first to cross my mind. :kiss2: E
  18. Wholelottarosie78

    True Blood

    I CAN'T WAIT! Oh my god this season is gonna be the best by far! I just know it! XOXO Heidi
  19. Wholelottarosie78

    FML/Oh sweet baby Jesus moment of the day

    LOL This is great, and I am happy that you lived cuz you really made my day. Thanks for sharing. I love the part about you realizing you didn't gag :p I almost blew my coffee out my mouth damn it! Have a great one and watch the pens. I am a pen chewer too and know the risks...thanks to you :kiss2:
  20. Wholelottarosie78

    Post your random Youtube links here...

    ROFLAO! This is great! :D