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  1. S

    Geeks and Nerds

    I'm obsessed with Doctor Who. it's basically my life. heart Star Wars a lot, as well as HP, Trek, etc. I RP on Harry Potter sites and have for years. I love being a nerd:]
  2. S

    Who Taught You to Hate Your Beautiful Body?

    I don't know if I necessarily learned to "hate" my body per se, but a love/hate definitely. My mother grew up dieting and fighting with her body and so it was something I grew up seeing as well. In elementary school, I was teased occasionally but not usually about weight. It actually never...
  3. S

    How Much did You Date?

    Technically I started dating in middle school but any of the guys prior to my freshman year of high school just really aren't worth mentioning. Admittedly I've also gained weight since then, but it's not as if the prospects have necessarily dried up either. AGREED.
  4. S

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Sara Age: 19 Profession: Student! history major. Location: currently Ohio but during the school year I reside in Western Massachusetts. Likes: Kurt Vonnegut, Star Wars, George Gershwin, effective public transportation, books, the Boston Bruins, nature, and the 9th Doctor. Dislikes...