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  1. asmiletoday

    Fun with Nails!

    obsessed with PopBeauty's new neon nail polish. Loving "grass" and "mandarin"
  2. asmiletoday

    What did you buy today?

    I love the statement shoes and the 50's pin up dresses are great! I am trying to find one I am in love with that's cut right for my body.
  3. asmiletoday

    How Much did You Date?

    Where do you live, so I can make sure to never move there? Because, seriously I cant imagine anyone being ashamed to be seen with you. Seriously, as much as I love men, sometimes their actions make me so angry.
  4. asmiletoday

    Dims Crushes

    I think Im fourthing this at this point?
  5. asmiletoday

    How Much did You Date?

    Thanks for insulting my career. I love a good morning insult, gets the blood flowing. I'm going to take this moment to revel in the fact I know you're wrong and then I am going to forget all about your comments. And... forgotten. As part of the keep the peace movement, can we get back to the...
  6. asmiletoday

    What is/are your signature perfume(s)?

    I absolutely love the Lolita Lempricka "L" series. It's French. Whenever I wear it people always come up to me and tell me how good I smell. So, I guess it's effective :)
  7. asmiletoday

    How Much did You Date?

    Okay I am going to math nerd out for a second. I have a master's in statistics.... It's not so much a control group is needed as this poll is only relevant for people who participate in size acceptance communities. It's biased, that's all. It could be biased toward early or later dating...
  8. asmiletoday

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Aw shucks....:D
  9. asmiletoday

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    I don't like I could ever do that. I'll just pretend I did by living vicariously through you. lol Ps. somewhat related, but not really.. where do you people online date? Never really tried it out.
  10. asmiletoday


    :::Looks away from the screen and clicks purchase:::: Hot Dang! Mama's going to look fierce on the beach!
  11. asmiletoday

    What do you like about the previous poster? Part Trois!

    She's a teddy bear artist.. which I think is pretty much the coolest job ever.
  12. asmiletoday

    Truths-Answer a question/Ask a question.

    A: Shamrock Shakes! It's the only fast food I actually like. Minty, delish and full of win. Q: What's the stupidest thing you've done this week?
  13. asmiletoday

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    My friend just tagged this photo of me on facebook and I have to share it. This seemed like the right place.
  14. asmiletoday


    obsessed with this swimsuit ,but for $130 I cant pull the trigger
  15. asmiletoday

    Don't look at me you might get fat

    Here's where you can buy them. They go up to size 5x!
  16. asmiletoday

    Don't look at me you might get fat

    I'll do it only if we wear these t-shirts
  17. asmiletoday

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I am moving to an entirely new country and desperately scared I'll just end up sad and alone because I know no one.
  18. asmiletoday

    2011 Singles thread

    Checking in as single and evaluating options.
  19. asmiletoday

    How Much did You Date?

    Hahaha I am anything but normal. Left of center? That's me!
  20. asmiletoday

    How Much did You Date?

    Seriously, I swear I am jealous of how many women up in this forum are ballers. The men be all upons.