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  1. R

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Oh girl, you KNOW that was some cotton candy! It was a months long search to get it fresh, after a really tragic cotton candy carnage ordeal over the summer.
  2. R

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    My friend who took this just laughed and said "I'm taking this and I don't even know what it means." Bless my friends who allow me out in public with them.
  3. R

    Great Facebook post

    Metaphor aside, this is ridiculous. Are women of smaller size less amazing because they can't hold all their wisdom and knowledge inside their bodies? :doh: I appreciate her sentiment, but her delivery needs a lot of work.
  4. R

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    I've always made fun of "planking" pictures, so of course my friends convinced me to do it. I draw the line at "owling" and "tea potting", though.
  5. R

    Any Ganja BBW babes out there?

    Anxiety and paranoia are definitely not uncommon reactions to have when using. Even people who have smoked for years can have it happen. I certainly have. Plus, once you've triggered it once, you are likely to trigger it again just because you FEAR it happening. Go to any marijuana forum and...
  6. R

    Spooning--The Poll

    Careful kids, spooning is a gateway hug.
  7. R

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    I've always been a bit of a microwave snob as far as "cooking" goes. Not sure why, but there ya go. I recently received the Tupperwave stacked cooker set from Tupperware and a friend has been bugging me to make a cake in it. I love to bake, so the thought of cake (from a box, gasp!) in the...
  8. R

    One rude comment can ruin your whole night...

    Off topic, and I'm sorry those dudes said something that upset you...but what the hell kind of friends do you have? I'm sorry, I'm just rather taken aback that you were driving them around all evening and standing outside bars ALONE while they were inside having fun/getting drunk. I'd be...
  9. R

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I have been so excited about seeing the last Harry Potter movie with a big group of nerdtastic friends all week, especially today. So of course I got fucking laid off this afternoon.
  10. R

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    Not that I think what he wrote was better, but I'm not a fan of the ones that follow the manual. I know they are typical and eventually that ground always gets covered if there is any chemistry, so I like off the wall or not typical questions in the beginning. But it hardly ever happens.
  11. R

    heat index

    Heat index of 107F/42C today. Stupid humidity, I feel like I'm walking into a bowl of soup each time I go outside. This is pretty standard for my area, but our high temps started much earlier this summer. :mad:
  12. R

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    Kinda with you on that. I once dated a guy who was extremely passionate about his very technical job. He would get very excited talking about it and I understood absolutely none of what he said, but it was just his super geek side and it was adorable. If you have any potential interest, I'd...
  13. R

    Internet Dating: Crazy First Messages

    Ha! I'd probably consider it depending on where said burger was coming from ;)
  14. R

    Any Ganja BBW babes out there?

    I have answered the questions, if you cared to read the thread. Technically, I answered one, because I only speak for myself. I had answered it before we even had this discussion. But you really just can't get past the enormity of your own words to see what other people say here...or really...
  15. R

    Any Ganja BBW babes out there?

    Well if it's a common stereotype, it MUST be true. And since some people think it, I guess it is ok to just go ahead and assume "most of the world" does. Thank you for your critical thinking skills on this. You can't argue with logic. :doh:
  16. R

    Any Ganja BBW babes out there?

    I edited nothing, I cut and pasted it directly. I wasn't accusing you of calling stoners slacker, nor do I care if that is how you feel. I was saying that you do not speak for the rest of the world. You do NOT know how every other single living person on this planet feels about any issue...
  17. R

    What Turns You On

    Big brains, warped sense of humor. Nice teeth.
  18. R

    Any Ganja BBW babes out there?

    You are one person with an opinion, you are NOT "most of the world outside", so please stop speaking for them. Just because you know people who think like that does not mean "most" do.
  19. R

    Any Ganja BBW babes out there?

    This to infinity. I'm new here, but I've seen a lot of closed minds floating around. We all are entitled to our opinions, of course. To answer the question, weed doesn't help or hinder me in any way regarding my "road to self love" or whatever. I enjoy it for helping with pain, because I...
  20. R

    True Blood

    Amen to Lafayette's mowhawk! I wasn't keen on Season 2, but thought last season was just hilarious. Russell was over the top and I loved it. I've only read the first 4 or 5 and I don't mind the variations between paper and screen. It gives you more than one story, which is kind of a bonus...