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  1. DVSShank

    Pet Peeves!

    HA ! Too funny !
  2. DVSShank

    Pet Peeves!

    Absolutely ! On all points !
  3. DVSShank

    Pet Peeves!

    I was totally with u, until the knife placement part. But I can kinda understand that bothering someone.
  4. DVSShank

    Pet Peeves!

    Anyone that feels its ok to give u a shitty attitude, because they "are having a bad day". If I'm not the reason u are being shitty, then save it for the person that is.
  5. DVSShank

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    Me and my baby
  6. DVSShank

    Jane of the Jungle

    Goooood NESS ! :D
  7. DVSShank

    tube socks

    *grinning* good one...
  8. DVSShank

    tube socks

    I gotta tell ya... I def didn't think I would find this when I opened it. I'm more than pleasantly surprised. Thank u ! You look lovely !
  9. DVSShank

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Awww ! I know I'm crazy late, but congrats ! She's adorible ! Great pic !
  10. DVSShank

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Snyders preztel pieces... Honey Mustard & onion flavor. I need to seek help.. I'm addicted
  11. DVSShank

    FFA's and BHM's on Adipositivity

    That's exactly what I was thinking
  12. DVSShank

    The nice weather has me thinking...

    I know.. Its BS. I'm not a fan of coasters, but it sucks to think we can't do things we want, because of our size.
  13. DVSShank

    The nice weather has me thinking...

    But its like that everywhere really. Atleast for fat people. Restaurant booths, movie theter seats, doctors waiting rooms.. those are ones I've personally had issues with. And there's no standard to the restaurant booths. Some are fine, and others its like "did I wander into the kids section ??"
  14. DVSShank

    Goth/Metal FFAs normal?

    I'm still so stunned with skinny chicks being into us bigger guys. Finding this forum has really started to change my view on that.
  15. DVSShank

    Goth/Metal FFAs normal?

    Well said ! I couldn't agree more.
  16. DVSShank

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    I still laugh when I see this pic !:D
  17. DVSShank

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    Id love to put this up in my cubical at work .
  18. DVSShank

    BHM Growing Closer - by Amaranthine (~BHM, ~FFA, ~Sex, Drama)

    I love this story !! As a guy who has been fat all my life, I totally relate to Lucien. You wrote the story like u did too, which is weird considering how u look. Which means u really have a great idea of what bigger guys feel like and go through. I too find it amazing, just from my experiance...
  19. DVSShank

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    ..... That sums it up.:p
  20. DVSShank

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    I don't want to keep blowing up this thread with every pic posted on here..(there would be MANY) But let me say, (I probably speak for a lot of people here..) you ladies are all so beautiful in so many different ways. Thank u all for sharing your pics !:bow: