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  1. jen68

    Petite Jeans

    Catherines.com or lanebryant.com both have petite jeans check them out you may find what you are looking for.
  2. jen68

    What did you buy today?

    K went shopping last week and bought me 2 pair a jeans. I bought 1 the size that fit and the other a size smaller. Since I recently had WLS I am loosing weight rapidly so I figured the smaller jeans would fit me in a week or so. Well last night I went to try on the smaller jeans...the jeans went...
  3. jen68

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I know just how you feel, sorry and hugs to you
  4. jen68

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I am annoyed at myself because I just cant let him go. i am annoyed at my heart for loving him. I am annoyed at my mind for thinking of him. I am annoyed at my body for wanting him. I am annoyed at him for being an ass hole. I am annoyed at myself for being stupid when it comes to him. Its not...
  5. jen68

    Question: Styles best on larger women?

    Im a jeans and T-shirt kinda girl. I sometimes slash up my T-shirts to make them look a bit more edgy. T-shirt, jeans, do-rag or my bandana with bling on it and big earrings thats what I like to wear:cool:
  6. jen68

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Trying to upload a most recent pic lets see if it works
  7. jen68

    Childhood memories from the 40 somethings

    The things I remember: Play outside and around the neighborhood with out having to worry about danger Sleeping with the doors and windows open and feeling safe. Listening to music from 8 tracks LPs 45s and cassettes Paying under 20 bucks for a concert ticket and being in the front...
  8. jen68

    What Are You Into?

    I love music. I enjoy going out and checking out the local music scene. I love metal and rock music. I guess you could say im a groupie :cool: lol
  9. jen68

    What is your weight right now?

    OMG what happened to manners didnt your mama tell you dont ever ask a woman her age or weight lmao!!!:D
  10. jen68

    I gotta ask:

    Thanks Miss Vickie, And about the emotional changes oh yes I hear you. I started with the emotional changes 3yrs ago after my hysterectomy due to uterine cancer and I am told its only guna get worse. With all the changes I have already been going thru in my life these past few years and with...
  11. jen68

    I gotta ask:

    Ok is this about WLS controversy or someone getting banned from Dimensions. I just had wls on July 25th so im only a month post op. I no there are deaths associated with this surgery as with any other surgery, but my surgery went very good. I have dropped 4 pant sizes since I started with the...
  12. jen68

    BBW Confessions thread

    I know how you feel I will be going on 21 years also this Dec. I feel the same way. He really loves and takes care a me but I feel that the only feelings I have for him at this time are that of good friends. I think of moving on at times but I dont wana hurt him. We have a good relationship and...
  13. jen68

    BBW Confessions thread

    Ok my confession: On July 25th of this year I had roux-en y gastric bypass surgery I have gone done 4 pant sizes since I started my pre op diet till now. I should feel great but I dont. I cant really eat cuz everything just taste ugly and i dont ever have an appetite but I really miss the...
  14. jen68

    so, i'm back

    So sorry to hear about your friend and glad you’re doing ok. This hits close to home. My brother in law was killed in ’09 coming back from a breakfast ride with a couple of friends. He was hit by a woman driving an SUV about 70mph who thought she could beat him to the intersection and chose to...
  15. jen68

    piercings anyone?

    I only have 2 standard lobe piercings in each ear and cartilage piercing on my right ear. Would like more ear piercings. I don’t think I could bring myself to pierce my face even though I like it on others. Shit I stress like hell over wrinkles don’t think I could put a hole in my face lol...
  16. jen68

    Free Association- Song Lyrics Version

    Oh mother tell your children not to do what I have done Spend their lives in sin and misery In the house of the Rising Sun
  17. jen68

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Cinnamon Girl ~ Type O Negative L
  18. jen68

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Exciter ~ Judast Priest R
  19. jen68

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Dream Evil ~ Dio
  20. jen68

    Free Association - Part 4!!

    Red hot chili peppers