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  1. S

    Flaunting your fat.

    Sometimes Ill wear a slightly smaller shirt. Not too small to be obviously ill fitted- but enough that you can see my gut bounce when I walk.
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    Weight now, Goal for 2014?

    Around 210, most likely a bit more. Hoping for 250!
  3. S

    What am I looking forward to at the 275-300 range?

    Thanks for the reply!
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    Starting to gain, looking for advice, support

    I found it best not to plan meals- just to eat whenever you can even if its only 200 calories. Make little "goals" like I do- for example I work today at 11am so before I leave I need to eat a MINIMUM of 500-600 calories. On the way to work Ill pick up a further 600 calories- the gas station...
  5. S

    What am I looking forward to at the 275-300 range?

    Im 210 pounds right now and have been eating at least 3000 calories a day since about a week ago... I already feel a bit bigger! But Im curious- what does a 250 pound body feel like? What should I expect in terms of difficulties? What do you find awesome about being that big?
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    Hyper Weight Gain

    You could try lots of nuts! Tons of calories AND they're good for you. I buy these little 1.49$ bags of sunflower seeds and the whole back is like 630 calories.
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    200 lbs

    How do you like it so far? I went from 170 to 210 pounds and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Are you happy with the changes?
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    I have a fast metabolism.

    Is this really good advice to be giving? I suppose gaining weight in general isnt exactly healthy... But destroying your own metabolism isnt really a good plan.
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    Fetish or Sadism

    Its hard to blame people for finding the idea of purposefully becoming obese "weird". Lets not kid ourselves- its NOT healthy, unless someone would be so kind as to link to a peer reviewed study proving otherwise? Of course Im against all out "fat-hate" but Im not going to judge somebody for...
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    Ten Reasons to Reject Socialism

    I read the article and it made me disagree with it even more... You might want to stop encouraging people to read it.
  11. S

    The tea party racism lie

    And now for- Tea party protesters pathetic spelling and grammar skills! http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/galleries/teabonics_the_flawed_language_of_protest/teabonics_the_flawed_language_of_protest.html
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    Coming Out: Experiences, Stories and Advice Thread

    I dont see why I should "come out". I dont lie, but ive never actually gone and said "Hey guys I like fat girls!". However my girlfriend and I had a bit of a talk, cant remember how it went but it turned into an extremely enlightening conversation!
  13. S

    Most weight gained in a year?

    I went from 180 (last summer) to 220 (almost the end of this year) and im still going up!
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    Tips To Annihilate A Metabolism

    Yeah might not be the best way to do things :P Though ive heard good things about swallowing a radioactive isotope....
  15. S

    Tips To Annihilate A Metabolism

    Would be interested to find out myself, seems like no matter how many calories I take in I gain nothing! Apparently I should be taking in approx 2568 calories perday to maintain my weight? but I dont understand how that can be when I used to go FAR under that and stayed over 200. now im...
  16. S

    100 + pounds New Pics

    Absolutely beautiful!
  17. S

    Wall E

    I fail to see how this movie was offensive =/
  18. S

    Caught between gaining and not?

    "gluttony" would suggest one is a greedy pig, when im among the most charitable of people I know. Next please.:kiss2:
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    Caught between gaining and not?

    lol so true, I have made my decision- im 20 ive got my whole life ahead of me, maybe in a few years things will change and ill do it- I KNOW I like being larger, its not something im doubting. but still its a weird feeling, its like having two minds sometimes >.<
  20. S

    Caught between gaining and not?

    I dont post here often and I guess this would be my first thread I made myself :P and just wanted to talk about something ive felt for ages- where you WANT to gain a ton of weight, you enjoy it etc etc....but then you hold back, one side of my mind says- gain gain gain, but the other says- NO do...