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  1. 1

    Geeks and Nerds

    Same here :D Also set my instant messenger to use sounds from my favorite games, linux is quite fun, any nerd should try it out, and I have to say i'm quite the Zelda fan.
  2. 1

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    Would have been a whole pizza if someone wouldn't have eaten part of it, a half lb BURGER w/ slices of fries, raspberry doughnut & cookie
  3. 1

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    Well, guys might talk to you without being physically attracted to you, if you are interesting/likeminded, or do something that they obsess or value (an intercourse of a different nature) they may even become become obsesessed/love you but an FA, on the other hand, is different in that they have...
  4. 1

    Dimensions Matching System--Any Luck?

    recently made a profile; and I have to say, it seems to me to be the most promising matching system I've seen...
  5. 1

    Before And After!!!

    That is very beautiful :)
  6. 1

    Carolinas ??

    Down in ilm here; also, nice tux avatar there
  7. 1

    What book are you reading right now?

    Anathem - GREAT book
  8. 1

    Debra Perkins (Teighlor) Passed on 21 July 2011

    I'll always remember her; the first model I ever saw...