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  1. T

    what's making you laugh right now?

    This Mentos commercial is making me crack up! hahahhaha
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    Happy Birthday, Mel!!

    Happy birthday! It's my dog's birthday too she's 12 :)
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    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    This video is really pissing me off lol I was living in Germany when this happened so I wasn't really in the loop. How stupid..
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    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    The last movie I saw was a 1996 French film called Ponette it literally had me crying the entire time - as most French films do.. but I would give it an 8.5 I thought it was good. It's something I think anyone can relate to if they've lost someone before, that denial and and confidence that the...
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    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    Too Much - Bonaparte! H This is actually the song my username is after.. It's a great one if you haven't seen the video hehe:D
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    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Now I'm happy again for the same reason because we WON that Champion's League game (obv)!! 2-0 and now we have another Bundesliga game today against Hoffenheim. Got it in the bag obviously! :) :D
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    What book are you reading right now?

    I just read the Old Man and the Sea <3 because I've never reead it before in high school but wow I loved it I thought the relationship between the old man and Manolin was sooo sweet!! <3
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    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I'm happy because my favorite football team Bayern-München won another Bundesliga game 3-0 on Saturday and predicting to be happy because on Tuesday we are versing Manchester City in the Champions League and I think they're gonna ROCKkk!!! :) (My favorite motivation picture of my favorite player) :P
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    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Hey and Starr I saw a double rainbow today too!! hehehe
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    Healthy Diet

    If anyone wants to be healthy all they have to do is become vegan!!! You can obtain all your necessary nutrients from a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. I've never felt better since I made the switch!!!!
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    I like some piercings. I think they're nice. I have my ear lobes obviously, my belly-button (got that when I was 14) and a couple of months ago I got a stud in my nostril. i LOVE that one!!! I am considering getting some ear cartilage done.. i think sometimes it looks so cute!
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    H A I R

    i REALLY want straight across bangs and I tried them ones but mine clump together and I like don't have enough hair for it or something (I'm young so idk what it's about) because they don't look thick. ARRGHH :mad:
  13. T

    What did you buy today?

    I didn't buy anything today except I died my hair black again. (It's very dark brown but for some reason I just want it black before I go on my trips to Europe this fall/winter). I wish i had more money to shop :mad:
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    New German Size Acceptance Site

    Germany is the fattest country in Europe!!! Though still not nearly as fat as the US. I don't know if it's even possible.
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    Anyone from Alabama?

    I don't think I've ever met anyone from Alabama in my life lol. Howdy! (I'm from New York... maybe they are just not saying that they are).
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    Fat girl in the south (Tallahassee, FL)

    The South is so much larger than the North (if you look at a map color coded by obesity). Why? I guess the cuisine is that different! wow.
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    Perfect weight

    Not gonna lie, in the opposite sex I quite enjoy a lean, slim but slightly muscular body. But i'm focused on me right now lol
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    Weight Gain Help?

    Lol you listed like every food that exists. I couldn't think of anything else... Great