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  1. SocialbFly

    Thin to Fat

    way to resurrect a dead and old old old thread.
  2. SocialbFly

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    of all the posts etc here on dims, this is my most absolute favorite one ever....Rainy, when you made something that focused on living you hit the stars.... what we fail to do in our lives is remember how to live, not wait for weight loss, weight gain, man, woman, partner, schooling...
  3. SocialbFly

    Happy Birthday, tonynyc!!

    Tony, i am sorry i missed your birthday honey, happiest of birthdays and hello to Ms D too!!!
  4. SocialbFly

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    Cat, you are so uber talented, i love your stuff, all of it...
  5. SocialbFly

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    dont know if this one will post or not...
  6. SocialbFly

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    for daddy-oh thought you might like :)
  7. SocialbFly

    Risible's Birthday!!

    Happy birthday to my friend Risible, who I havent seen around much here, but then I have been busy too...hope it is a happy happpy day Risible!!!
  8. SocialbFly

    Fat Girl Flying Tips...Got Any?

    i always have checked more baggage with my two tickets, dont know why you cant, have done it both domestic and international...maybe you havent tried lately?
  9. SocialbFly

    New jewels in the Adorn Me store.

    Tina that would make a lovely wedding piece...gorgeous work...
  10. SocialbFly

    Everyday Food Pics - Part II - keep snapping!! :D

    everything looks so yummy, thank you everyone for taking the time to post such yumminess :)
  11. SocialbFly

    Tea Drinkers Unite!

    i am still in love with darjeeling and then jasmine tea, i cant say how much i love tea...english breakfast, ceylon, black, green, anything BUT earl grey, it has a black licorice taste to me, and i dont care for that :) can someone pass me some oolong??
  12. SocialbFly

    Heavenly Imaginings on Etsy

    You craft beautifully, lovely work, good luck!
  13. SocialbFly

    Nursing FINALLY acknowledges fat bias

    thanks for getting the whole positive of the article...
  14. SocialbFly

    Nursing FINALLY acknowledges fat bias

    i thank you for responding to the "about time" comments, i had to bypass those, it is frustrating when there are so many of us that actively work in the healthcare field, both as fat people but as fat patient advocates... as far as the doc, i would def give it to her Vickie...with a note that...
  15. SocialbFly

    Nursing FINALLY acknowledges fat bias

    I was so happy to see this addressed in the medicine forum i belong too..i thought the article was pretty good, although technical...how do you feel about the article? Marilyn W. Edmunds, PhD, CRNP Co-Owner, Nurse Practitioner Alternatives, Inc., Ellicott City, Maryland; Adjunct...
  16. SocialbFly

    New jewels in the Adorn Me store.

    I have those earrings Tina, and i have to say whenever i wear them, i get so many compliments on them, they are so pretty...and not as big as you might think...i love them, hugs, thought i would throw my two cents in :)
  17. SocialbFly

    Travel for Big Folks

    Continental doesnt refund the extra seat either and i have had issues even when i bought the second seat...i like having two seats and unfortunately, usually require them when traveling for i am both big and tall...southwest is generally the cheapest and DOES refund the second seat if the plane...
  18. SocialbFly

    Project Runway 8: I Will Cut a Bitch

    my friend and i were talking and this is my opinion.... Gretchen can be led...Mondo can't...Mondo will sell on his own, his support is there, but to have someone that has to do what they want (within design constraints) i think Gretchen (whose designs i couldnt stand) is leadable and...
  19. SocialbFly

    forty- and fifty-somethings

    51 here...everyday a little better I hope...
  20. SocialbFly

    San Diego Bash

    Damn, if i was still in the area Missy, we would so be there...if i had to drag your tube top wearing, short skirt toting bootie ;)