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  1. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Internet justice, bruh.
  2. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    To answer your question Hozay, it was simply to state that it was no sockpuppet account. And my argument is there, just a lot of you are too daft to see it. I'm out for JUSTICE! Also, Young Justice, screwed up timeline. Makes me kind of nerd rage.
  3. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    The kids in the old anime club at my college love it, see no fucking reason for that madness. It is terribad. Also, a lot of guys seem to love it, no idea why that happens either.
  4. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Keep the thread in fucking line, people, JEEBUS.
  5. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    >implying white knighting >implying presence of a soul >implying this website is a true size acceptance site and not strictly for fat acceptance
  6. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    And dude, I fucking know. 10/10 in Game Informer for Skyward Sword.
  7. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Guess again, BONE BAG!
  8. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    When people have to hide behind a picture to try and call someone out. Man, I bet you love to eat shit while masturbating.
  9. S

    What makes you nerd rage thread?
