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  1. M

    attempt to up load photos

    how to upload photos, I would gladly take it.
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    attempt to up load photos

    Hello! I am a shy reader who has been visiting this site for some time. I thought I would attempt to load a pic-please bear with me! ok-messed it up! Will try again later.
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    Sexy Video Time

    I have always been a fan of the hot handyman scenario-plus that would give you say, tools and a tool belt for props. Ir you're nervous it helps to have props, and it would help with the lack of audio. Or, Chaplin style, you could have messages written on bristol board! Just a thought!
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    What are your favorite physical attributes....What are your LEAST favorite?

    D'oh-think I had better add my obliviouness to irony in the least favorite parts section of myself!
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    What are your favorite physical attributes....What are your LEAST favorite?

    Sorry Totmacher- Did not mean to imply that I have no personal dislikes, I was just testing the waters to see if I should post or not. How about this? My favorite body part is my eyes. Last favorite is the huge scar that runs like an extension of my left eyebrow, which is a reminder of why...
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    Fat Talk

    Leonard, I think it is amazing that you handled this so well! I have been a closet gainer for quite a few years, and probably to this day do not have enough courgae to talk about my appreciation of my flab to anyone IRL. I have some courage online, and will chat about my love for my own self in...
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    Are there really any gaining women???

    Have to say that occasionally I like to overindulge, and look forward to the inevitable result. That is not to say that I don't have occasional doubts-how can I be programmed this way, no one intentionally wants to gain, ect. But then I will say to myself how can anyone not enjoy gaining...
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    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hello, I am a long time listener, first time caller. I originally found this site when I had put on some weight. I was confused because I found my gain to be erotic and sensuous but it was in direct conflict with everything I had ever learned about gaining weight. I did not feel awkawrd or...
  9. M

    What are your favorite physical attributes....What are your LEAST favorite?

    Hello, all! Haven't been back here in ages (years) -but hope it is ok to reply politely to a few posts. I wanted to do the introductory post, but cannot find it anymore. I like my eyes (blue ) hair (dark) and voluptuous figure (just over 200). I dislike the fact that while I enjoy...