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  1. B

    Oklahoma Tornadoes

    I live south of Moore and didn't get any storms while they did,we had ours later..We were lucky this evening,double rotation but none dropped down..Got lots of needed rain and plenty of hail..Suppose to get even more storms tomorrow across the same path as today plus a bit lower..Please if you...
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    International consistency

    My biggest surprise when I was there was the Burger King hamburger with the pineapple slice on it..Never could wrap my head around that..I think McDonalds did that as well..We would order pizza and it was good but it did not have the pizza sauce on it,it had meat and cheese on the dough but no...
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    Christmas Dinner

    All I can say is,I want to come to your house for that week!!!
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    At Least 27 Dead, Including 18 Children: Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre Could Be Wors

    I beg your pardon but it is not American arrogance that makes Americans feel the way they do about guns..This country was founded by brave men and women who used guns to get their freedom from the British..This country was founded with violence and this country has seen it's share of violence...
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    At Least 27 Dead, Including 18 Children: Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre Could Be Wors

    Still so hard to hear hours after it happened..My heart is breaking for the families that lost someone..Such a tragedy.. There needs to be laws passed that family members can have someone committed to a facility when they show signs of being unstable,now as it is they have to commit a crime...
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    Megan,I would call the hospital to see if there is some place that you can buy their "meats"..We use to have a hospital as well and when it was closed they sold some stuff out of the SDA church..Then the Dr. opened his store and people started buying there..I like their chicken okay but hated...
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    The new deal is coming and amarica will be in the rise again . !

    I live on just a little bit over that bigmac and have for years..I raised 2 kids on less then $15,000 for over 3 years..It is hard and things get tight but you can live on it..You can't have a new car,big screen tv,Iphone,cable but the basics of life you need to survive you can afford..
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    Do any of you have a Seven Day Adventist church in your community? They usually have a small store close by or even in the same town..I know all of their food is either vegan or vegetarian..They have the best chili..I love it! A gastroenterologist in my town is Adventist and he opened a...
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    Fired for being disrespectful?

    When you act like an idiot you get treated like an idiot..She got what she deserved and the person taking the picture should have been fired as well..She was a representative of her company and should have acted like one...People have to realize there are consequences to their actions..
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    What's Next for the Republican Party?

    I do not think he sees it that way..I think he is of the mind that under educated people means uneducated people,when in truth most of the ones he is calling uneducated are uninformed or even misinformed..They are the ones that really do not listen to news reports nor do they read any type of...
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    What's Next for the Republican Party?

    Just so you know number 10 has voted Republican and been red for the last 20 years or so..We are in the middle of the bible belt and it has nothing to do with education..Its more religious then uneducated..Just a FYI..By the by this is what the third time you have posted about the uneducated...
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    What's Next for the Republican Party?

    I heard a report that said Romney believed the polls so much that when he did lose he thought it was a joke..He was believing every thing his campaign people were saying about him winning in a landslide..I would imagine it shook him up when he found out he had even lost the popular vote! I...
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    What's Next for the Republican Party?

    The Republicans need to understand they need to leave reproductive issues and abortion rights alone..It is not up to them to dictate what another person does to their body..That cost them the Senate seats.. One main thing they are missing is a strong female Republican and I do not mean...
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    What's Next for the Republican Party?

    Until the Republican party sheds it's self of the Tea Party fanatics they will not win another POTUS election..The slogan take the country back did nothing but hurt the party..If they really want to win then they need to go back to being conservative with less government and not so much trying...
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    Dear Universalman,

    I'm a bigot.To funny! LMAO!! Just a FYI I am a card carrying first American which means I can go from the top of North America to the bottom without using a passport.. Thank you universalman you have given me my best laugh all day! Keep up the good work!
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    Dear Universalman,

    You have no facts,all you have is racist bs..You really need to go back and read your history books and realize that the Mexicans were here way before the "white christian" pilgrims that landed on the rock..
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    Nearly 1000 voters forced to vote provisional in a single Franklin county precinct

    Here is one for your KittyKitten..I had to drive 10 miles to vote because I was no longer registered to vote at the place I have voted for the last 20+ years..My brother was allowed to vote there and our addresses were side by side..I voted outside my city limits in the next town..I even had to...
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    Habaneros.. What to do with them

    I have a friend that makes pepper jam or jelly from hot peppers..Not sure what type she uses but she loves it..
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    2012 US Election: Predictions

    So tell me universalman since you are so high on showing ID,show me yours where it says you are a true Native American? Can't do it can you? If so I would almost bet it is mixed with a different nationality..You really do not understand America if you think it is just an all white county any...
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    ‘Vote for the Mormon, not the Muslim’

    I understand what you are saying Rojodi and it has been even worse in this election year..It's just not the state of Texas,or the fact they are under educated,as it is what KittyKitten has posted,the way they were raised..Most Texans are very nice and do not feel it is their duty to save your...