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  1. Eclectic_Girl

    Too early for an HB Halloween Thread?

    Have been gathering the pieces of my costume one by one. Got myself a custom chainmail belt at a Renn Faire this past weekend!
  2. Eclectic_Girl

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    No need. Just as easy to ignore you, as your views are irrelevant to the main topic of the thread. Also, this "latest controversy" is based on a post made almost 4 months ago. You may not post here very often, but those of us who do moved on long ago.
  3. Eclectic_Girl

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    It's very possible, Liz. I approached it as a pure hypothetical, because it hasn't happened to me at this size. When I was in the low-to-mid 200s (when I was 20, after the Optifast fiasco), I did get some interest from guys who wouldn't have considered themselves FAs or into fat women at all...
  4. Eclectic_Girl

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    * In this hypothetical situation, I am single. I would have to know him a little bit first, but you state that I find him cool, so that presupposes knowing at least that little bit. Yup, I'd go out with him. But I'd also need to go into the date with a slightly higher level of preparation to...
  5. Eclectic_Girl

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    Not to belabor the point, since you're on timeout, but I think the main problem comes with the tone that is generated when all-or-nothing words are used. So here's what I meant: - Specious to me (I'm the one that typed it), based on the meanings I attach to words from dictionary definitions and...
  6. Eclectic_Girl

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    Condescension. Specious logic. Twisting my words. Being attractive to everyone and being hideous to everyone are not the only two options. Not to someone who prefers blondes. Or Latinas. Or people who can have a rational discussion without being condescending. Not why I'm with...
  7. Eclectic_Girl

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    So you're advocating that they not participate in Western culture or attempt to have relationships with anyone who does, then? You can reject the dominant paradigm all you want, but unless you find someone also rejects that paradigm, you're SOL. Men who are naturally attracted to fat women (not...
  8. Eclectic_Girl

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    Jumping out of lurkerdom to emphasize this. I think many of us are talking past each other because we define "FA" differently (I know this is not a new observation...) This statement really jumped out at me because, in my mind, FA=person exclusively into fat women. I have a feeling that the...
  9. Eclectic_Girl

    Have you ever...

    Found it! http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/sour-cream-noodle-bake/detail.aspx
  10. Eclectic_Girl

    Have you ever...

    Ooh - that sounds good! Reminds me of a casserole my mom used to make with layers of egg noodles, meat in tomato sauce, and a cottage cheese/cream cheese mixture. It was always better the next day, warmed up on the stove all mixed together, with the cheesiness melting into the tomatoey...
  11. Eclectic_Girl

    Have you ever...

    Never had spaghetti-os, but I have eaten ravioli "raw".
  12. Eclectic_Girl

    World of Warcraft (WoW) - Fat Friendly Guilds! :D

    Beware, WoWers - my WoW account was hacked via the hotmail account that I linked here at Dims (and only here at Dims). If you don't already have an authenticator, get one.
  13. Eclectic_Girl

    Who's coming to HB Memorial Day 2011?!

    Yeah, I didn't really mean that as a fuck-you to the legit people who like to see folks in the community enjoying themselves together. I was, perhaps, a little coy about what I meant by "consumption"... To be clear, I meant collecting pictures of fatties you've never met, and never intend to...
  14. Eclectic_Girl

    Who's coming to HB Memorial Day 2011?!

    ^^ This. I brought my camera this time, and didn't even take it out of my bag. I used to take a lot of pictures, but at some point I felt like it was more important to just be fully present in the fun I was having rather than to try to preserve it artificially for later, or to post it for the...
  15. Eclectic_Girl

    sounds of fatness

    To clarify, I do not keep making these sounds repeatedly in public. I keep making these sounds repeatedly while having sex. And sometimes it's what puts me over the edge...
  16. Eclectic_Girl

    sounds of fatness

    I love this sound. If it happens accidentally, I will attempt to replicate it several times in a row, laughing like a loon the whole time.
  17. Eclectic_Girl

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    Did it ever occur to you that some of the people you're talking to have already had some crappy things happen to them? And that maybe they're trying to do the best they can with what they've got going on *right now*? And that the last thing they need is some socially tone-deaf idiot who knows...
  18. Eclectic_Girl

    Guys Who Like Fat Chicks: Village Voice Article

    Maybe because they don't particularly like women who fit the adjectives you mention. There are men who like skinny tomboys, hippie chicks, executive bossypants, geeky girls, or just plain quirky ladies - Why wouldn't there be FAs who like the same broad range of styles and personalities...