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  1. A

    The BHM in Movies/TV series thread

    I thought Vincent D'Onofrio did an amazing job as Kingpin. He always brings so much intensity to every character he plays. And then there's Action Bronson's foodie web series, Fuck That's Delicious. https://youtu.be/BUxQeY2xmH0
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    moral dilema

    Hi, Lucca. Yes, I made sure I read it all. He said he was involved with her romantically & then ceased doing what he was doing, which implies he had engaged in the behavior up to that point. I didn't say he caused it, just that he helped create it by what I am assuming was initially encouraging...
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    India(n) Customer Service

    Inclined to agree but can't help but wonder at NeoLiberal policies that have also contributed to this state of affairs, including the current administration's hard-on for "smart tracking" the TPP - among other hugely egregious examples. I mean, I know it's your schtick to constantly ascribe...
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    moral dilema

    You turned your back on a problem that you helped create & now you want to insinuate yourself into someone else' private affairs in order to mollify your own guilty conscience about being a shitty friend? Is that about the size of it? The oblivious hypocrisy of the feeder community consistently...
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    What made you LOL today?

    I watch a lot of foreign films/programs & I usually hate the English voice-overs. But I'm making an exception for this one. Warning: SPIDERS. https://youtu.be/L2ZEMnalozc?t=717
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    Favorite Villain

    I've seen "Snape" posted like five times already. Did we watch the same movies? Because I'm pretty sure Snape was the ultimate good guy. He was OG order of the phoenix, saved many lives & died for his one true love. I nominate: Vincent D'onofrio in The Cell.Super fuckin' creepy...
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    I'm new and need advice

    Every type of human relationship is predicated on communication & compromise, ultimately culminating in cooperation, pardon the alliteration. It sounds like you have trouble with communication, him with compromise. If you don't feel comfortable talking to him about it & he expects a one sided...
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    Hair style suggestions for fat dudes

    Chonmage. Always a chonmage.
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    Summer 2015

    I've been training really hard for Tough Mudder Colorado. I hope I don't die. :( But I haven't been as strong & hardy since high school, which has led to me getting laid by the old lady more, so...bonus. This is the soundtrack to my life: https://youtu.be/tx1mryKqvT8?t=17s
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    Local Art

    This thirty foot monstrosity greets anyone coming or going from our already weird airport. Fun Fact: it killed it's creator when it fell on top of him & severed an artery.
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    Book Lovers: When did it start?

    Cool thread. I started reading before I started retaining memories, so I'm not too sure what got me started. Some of the earliest books I remember really enjoying were the Choose Your Own Adventure series, maybe when I was around six years old. One book that really opened my mind to the...
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    What are you unhappy about today?

    I found that carrying in the small of my back was the ideal solution. I tried ankle carry, but it always threw me off balance. Shoulder holster can work, just wear it under any shirt, but on top of an undershirt to avoid chafing. Check your local laws though, as shoulder holsters can be illegal...
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    The thread for random single confessions!

    Another quality post by The Buu. Hey, Buu, how are you? Extracrazy cool, I hope...
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    Self-loathing because of your (*air quotes*) fetish?

    I have an unpopular opinion on this. Unpopular on this forum, anyway. I wouldn't necessarily use the words "exploitative and sadistic", and I wouldn't want to you feel bad about your proclivities. We all have our thing. Hanging out around here, I've found that most self-styled FAs/FFAs/feeders...
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    What are y'all planting this year?

    Cool thread. I never noticed it last year, otherwise I would've posted pics. I grew zuchs, squash, chili, jalapeno, spinach, lettuce, onions, grapes, peas, watermelon, strawberries, cantaloup, 3 kinds of tomatoes, 2 kinds of mint, corn & green beans. And about 20 different varieties of...
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    Being rough with the tender bits

    Nothing wrong with a little CBT to get the ball rolling.
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    Gay Porn

    I got curious a few months back & searched for "fat man" on a couple porn engines. I found a lot of straight stuff with big guys, way more than I could ever, uh, utilize. Mostly amateur. The only professionally produced work I saw involved the idea of how humiliating it was to fuck a fat man...
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    What's pissing you off today?

    MsBrightside, fair enough. A careful reading of my initial post will show that I don't necessarily disagree with your point, it's just that I think one should always be sure to first take careful stock of the role they play in their own lives before projecting blame & avoiding responsibility...
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    What's pissing you off today?

    Thanks, fella. Feel better now? Good. All of your name calling & tantrums aside, I feel as if I offered a fair insight into a situation the young lady posts about often enough. Sorry if you didn't like it. You'll live. Even though justifying myself to you is beneath me, it's simple enough...
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    What's pissing you off today?

    You might just ask him? Since he is a Friend & all . . . To be honest, if you're even half as clingy toward him in life as you are here, maybe he has noticed & is trying to avoid the Dreaded Talk while trying to spare your feelings. Maybe you should learn to take a hint. One thing is for sure...