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  1. C

    Where is the love...

    Personally, I think you are within my ideal range, especially noting that my wife is 5'3" and around 185. I prefer the 175-200 range myself. "The Orange Mage" previously made a comment that the guys who appreciate someone in your size range are not usually what would be called an FA. I...
  2. C

    Better on a Fat Girl....

    The sexiest thing is when fat girls wear clothes that are form-fitting....I'm not talking four sizes too small; rather a nice, snug fit. This is the best way to show off your curves and rolls. This look just doesn't work on skinny girls because there are no rolls to show off. I would say that...
  3. C

    Fat in a Lilliputian world

    If only every day I could be so fortunate to have an "uncomfortable squeeze" on the way to work. What a perfect way to start off the day! I would be on Cloud 9. One can only dream I suppose.....
  4. C

    dreaming about BBWs!

    I can remember having fat girl dreams starting in middle school. Actually, in the beginning it wasn't so much "fat girls" but rather I would dream about girls I knew in school who were average size but would gradually gain weight. Most notably, I was mostly focused on the "tummy bulge". You...
  5. C

    What would it have been like?

    I was what-ifing because I missed that period in time. Actually, not just that period in time, but all the time from then until now. Had I been true to myself from day one, what would my life experiences had been like compared to reality? I know its not necessarily healthy to dwell in the...
  6. C

    What would it have been like?

    First off, I'm new to the forums here. I've lurked around for quite some time, but never posted until now. I was reading a different thread about what do FAs dream about, which got me thinking about myself and led me to create this thread. Anyways, back to the topic. I started thinking...