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  1. J

    Why are you gaining weight?

    Wow...after reading that comment and seeing your picture (I'm assuming that's you in your profile pic, you're really cute btw) ...I've just decided that you're the most desirable woman in the world :wubu: ....try not to let the title go to your head:bow:
  2. J

    How many BBWS here can bench press 200 pounds or more?

    for squat/deadlift power - it's actually the length of your femur - not your whole leg, that gives you the mechanical advantage at 5'10" have a 33" inseam - but my femurs are comparatively short and my tib/fib's are longer As a result - I have rep'd on the leg press w/over 1100, and 475 on...
  3. J

    Being shy about liking big women

    I haven't read the entirethread - so I apologise if someone else has said this already.... I don't know how old you are - but when I was in my late teens/early twenties I was much more aware of peer pressure and the need conform to the social norm - so I was very hesitant to act on my...
  4. J

    BBW and weight gain in the movies

    I skimmed thru' this thread and didn't see a mention of "Made of Honour" ...great scene with the chubby bridesmaid splitting her dress:eat2:
  5. J

    Blender Question! and a few other things lol

    go to www.allthewhey.com ...you can buy their weight gain powder in 50lb. boxes - instead of the overpriced plastic cannisters that GNC sells. I've bought 50lb bags of whey protein from there in the past....it's a good deal even with the shipping to Canada.
  6. J

    thick thighs oh my;) hehe enjoy

    Wow......:eat2: I bet if you started a paysite, it'd do real well
  7. J

    Pics of Fatties at Play - Last Weekend's HB event

    .....I was thinking exactly the same thing:eat2:
  8. J

    VCR alert

    That caught my eye too.... "Hot Properties" is the name of the show, it's on at 9:30pm Eastern - I don't recall which network..... Nicole Sullivan formerly of MadTV and King of Queens is the one being 'fed'