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  1. WibbyDoo

    Online Gamer's?

    Ravenholm was such an experience. I really appreciate that it was both "spooky" on one layer, but really quite tragic on another. Grigori was such an interesting character, too. Good times :).
  2. WibbyDoo

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Have you played Titan Quest / Titan Quest Immortal Throne? Some say it's more of a sequel to Diablo II than Diablo III. I really liked it because I'm a sucker for a lot of the lore and mythology :). Along those lines, I'm also excited about Grim Dawn!
  3. WibbyDoo

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    That sounds really painful. Sorry to hear that :(. For what it's worth, I hope your day turns around, even if it's a little. *Internet hugs*. I had a pretty awful birthday this year, too...
  4. WibbyDoo

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    JUST played through Bastion recently. What a great experience! Have been wondering about Path of Exile. I played Titan Quest / Titan Quest : Immortal Throne a lot. Have been looking for something to scratch that itch!
  5. WibbyDoo

    The comic book (Jesus Christ Marie, they're graphic novels) thread

    I got sucked into Akira some months ago, does that count? I was really impressed by the film, and was really impressed and inspired by the graphic novel / manga. Incredible work! Also... Yes! Alex Ross is amazing!
  6. WibbyDoo

    Last year of my 20's

    Recently 29 here. I generally don't go by numbers, and try to focus on how I'm feeling. That being said, 30 is really close, and I am feeling as though I am very behind in the race with myself, among other things... Trying to just take it a day at a time, right now. Cool that you're...
  7. WibbyDoo

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Oh man, when that bass kicked in! I love exploring new music :). Here's what I've been listening to a fair bit of, as of recent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeXjcbO-c1c
  8. WibbyDoo

    Want to feel old?

    Toy Story was released ~19 years ago. That one just cuts me almost EVERY TIME. But how about Jurassic Park being released ~21 years ago? I saw that movie so many times...
  9. WibbyDoo

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hello! I am KIND of new here. I have been lurking here for YEARS, but am now ready to dive in! A pleasure to meet you :). I am hoping to make new friends here, forge new relationships, and generally just have fun with a community of awesome people! Cheers!