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  1. W

    Pretending to be fat

    Well this was my first post and my last post, I thought you guys would be accepting, however you just got consumed by your own skepticism and felt like being clever was more important than being nice and decent. Thanks a lot, you really made me feel great, so great, i wont be returning to this...
  2. W

    Pretending to be fat

    Well i didn't measure it when it was in the button up shirt, but the 4X t-shirt sure did stretch out, it was hard keeping it all together after the balloons snapped the buttons, but you'd be surprised how big the balloons could get when filling them with water and having them supported by the...
  3. W

    Pretending to be fat

    I got the pants at factory 2-U, but i think i really stretched them because i was able to put the stuff in after i had them on, and i was able to make the balloons stretch out the shirt by filling them up with them inside the shirt, especially since they were really heavy the shirt really...
  4. W

    Pretending to be fat

    I've been coming here for a while, and i finally decided to post. I was wondering if anyone else does what i do, which is: buy large clothes and stuff it with bed sheets and such to look fat. I even got those punch balloons (the ones that you get at the store that can be blown up to a 5 ft...