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  1. Madeline Maple

    BBW “Quarantine Genes” by Madeline Maple [~BBW, SSBBW, ~XWG]

    A young woman tries to keep her figure during Covid-19 quarantine. Will her family’s heavy history get the better of her? Quarantine Genes By Madeline Maple Aly never had a normal childhood. Her family never went on picnics or trips to the amusement park. Not when you have a mother who weighs...
  2. iam18iswear

    BBW Sweet Dreams (~BBW, ~SSBBW, ~Immobility, ~XWG, ~Body Tranformation, ~Sex, ~Stuffing, ~Stuckage)

    ~BBW, ~SSBBW, ~Immobility, ~XWG, ~Body Tranformation, ~Sex, ~Stuffing, ~Stuckage ~Drama --- With 'Sweet Dreams' the body of your ultimate desires can come true. Enter Ava, a young woman who believed in the mysterious drug. Follow her story as her mind and waistline transforms, meeting friends...
  3. G

    BBW Sam's stay with Granny

    Sam's stay with Granny by gaedkeg1122 Sam was a recent high school graduate. She decided that she would spend the summer with her grandmother before she started college. She was 19 years old, had long brown hair and was relatively thin with the only exception being her breasts. Her...