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A question out of curiousity (not a troll!)

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New Member
Dec 14, 2008
Hi Everyone,

I recently read an article about feeders and fat appreciators (FA?) and with a keen interest in psychology and social issues I found it very intrequing.

I'm not coming here looking to offend or belittle anyone, and I'm certainly not looking to upset anyone as I find it impressive that many of you seem to have great body esteem and I wouldn't want to damage that. I read a few threads on this forum and saw that many of you have had experiences with slim people who have been less than nice towards your size and I can assure you I'm not the kind of person who gets kicks out of picking on anyone!.

My question to all of you, is what is it that you love about being large? or what is it that appeals to you about larger members of the opposite sex?, because in my own eyes (this isn't meant to upset or anger anyone, I'm simply explaining my own opinions) I personally feel that being obese isn't attractive and I wouldn't be happy if I was large... not because I strive for other peoples acceptance, no, I just wouldn't feel happy in myself.

I am 5'9" tall and an English size 8, so I'm very slim, I weigh around 8.5 stone (119lbs). I have never been fat and have always been underweight. I used to suffer from anorexia in my early teens, but my eating disorder was nothing to do with skinny celebrities or models, or wanting to fit in, as I was already very skinny before my anorexia kicked in... it was simply because I was at a low point in my life and that reflected in my eating habits. I'm now better and I eat very well, I don't diet & I don't exercise (apart from dancing, which is a passion of mine) but I stay very slim and toned, so I guess it's in my genes that I'm so slim. I've had frequent comments from men about how sexy my figure is (which I'm sure many of you probably find quite hard to believe!) and I work as a model to fund my studies while I'm at university. That is the history of my weight and my feelings about my weight and now I'm interested to hear your own stories!.

I know quite a few of you will possibly pity me for being slim as you're inclined towards the other extreme, but I'd just like to request that you don't bring up comments about how I am silly for being slim or anything like that, as I'm not about to turn around and insult you for your weight or your opinions, I'm just interested!.

I hope I haven't offended anyone and if I have, you have my deepest apologies.

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