I have one friend who is fat. She is a little smaller than me but still a BBW.
She hates being fat and has wanted to lose weight for years. Never sensibly mind you. I'm talking fad diets, slimming pills, starving herself etc.
She recently got a new job. The job is in a slimming and toning studio. In her interview she expressed her concern about her weight and working there, the boss said it was not a problem.
She started her job on Monday. The boss has said she wants to use her as "a before and after girl" and has written a diet plan for her, similar to Atkins. She has also "suggested" she buy numerous pills from the studio, and that she use the toning machines daily.
I expressed my concern at this. This to me sounds faddy, which my friend has been through before many times. It sounds expensive. It sounds like a lot of pressure on her, as maybe if she doesn't lose weight, will she lose her job?
She says she is happy with the plan, as she really wants to slim. I told her I was worried, if she really wanted to lose weight then why not do it with healthy eating and exercise, something she has never even tried!! I think she is beautiful as she is, but she isnt happy so if she wants to lose weight I will support her. But not this faddy way
The worse part of it all though, she told her mum (who is also a diet a holic, completely obsessed) that I was worried.
Her mum said I was only worried as I didn't want to lose my only fat friend, and end up being the only fat girl in the group.
I didn't even know how to respond to this, as what I wanted to say would have involved telling her mum to shove something up her ass. Instead I said "that's crap, if you lose weight I get all your clothes, so its not about that at all!"
I'm just venting, as this whole situation has me peeved. Ok they may "only" be online friends, but I have tonnes of other fat folk in my life. Confident ones at that. Its my friends health, career and wasted money I am worried about and somehow I still end up looking selfish
She hates being fat and has wanted to lose weight for years. Never sensibly mind you. I'm talking fad diets, slimming pills, starving herself etc.
She recently got a new job. The job is in a slimming and toning studio. In her interview she expressed her concern about her weight and working there, the boss said it was not a problem.
She started her job on Monday. The boss has said she wants to use her as "a before and after girl" and has written a diet plan for her, similar to Atkins. She has also "suggested" she buy numerous pills from the studio, and that she use the toning machines daily.
I expressed my concern at this. This to me sounds faddy, which my friend has been through before many times. It sounds expensive. It sounds like a lot of pressure on her, as maybe if she doesn't lose weight, will she lose her job?
She says she is happy with the plan, as she really wants to slim. I told her I was worried, if she really wanted to lose weight then why not do it with healthy eating and exercise, something she has never even tried!! I think she is beautiful as she is, but she isnt happy so if she wants to lose weight I will support her. But not this faddy way
The worse part of it all though, she told her mum (who is also a diet a holic, completely obsessed) that I was worried.
Her mum said I was only worried as I didn't want to lose my only fat friend, and end up being the only fat girl in the group.
I didn't even know how to respond to this, as what I wanted to say would have involved telling her mum to shove something up her ass. Instead I said "that's crap, if you lose weight I get all your clothes, so its not about that at all!"
I'm just venting, as this whole situation has me peeved. Ok they may "only" be online friends, but I have tonnes of other fat folk in my life. Confident ones at that. Its my friends health, career and wasted money I am worried about and somehow I still end up looking selfish