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A Victory Tea People Should Applaud But Won't

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
In a classic David vs. Goliath struggle miners in a small California town (with the help of their community and union support) beat back attempts by a huge multinational mining company to use the recession to drive down wages and benefits. The struggle is summarized in the article linked below;


You would think that most of the Tea People would find common cause with the miners -- but no -- for some inconceivable reason they take the side of huge corporations. False consciousness of the highest order.

The article is also a great example of why we still need unions.

The Tea People call for limited government and everyone for themselves dogma will give each of us the "freedom" to go one-on-one with corporate persons, such as Rio Tinto, who can't die and have unlimited resources.

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