Active Member
I hope that I am not being presumptuous in opening up another thread; I wanted to post this in the flame Shy Guy thread but it is, unfortunately and inexplicably, closed. Its just that Shy Guys name brought me back to the days when I was intimately familiar with the Nintendo entertainment system, and of all the unforgettable times we shared. Then I started thinking about this:
Those of us who spent their childhood and young adulthood playing videogames, as opposed to other, less interesting activities, such as dating, will remember Super Mario Bros. 2 as being distinctly different from the mainstream of SMB games, except for the more basic similarities in game-play. This was the first game in which the player could choose between Mario, his brother Luigi, Toad, or Princess Peach. According to William Sheldons somatotype theory, one could classify each, respectively, according to the three general body types as endomorphic, the type that easily gains weight, ectomorphic, the thin build, and mesomorphic, the more traditionally coveted athletic build. Thus, all body types are portrayed as equally viable options, while the princess is important more for representing women in a largely male dominated area. In addition, this is the version that features Wart, another endomorph, as opposed to the mesomorphic Bowser as the main boss character. This clearly reflects a preference for the full-figured body when it comes to archenemy type characters. Whether or not Wart can be considered a positive role model for people of size is another issue altogether, demanding a government grant and extensive research.
So, in conclusion, I want to congratulate Shy Guy for supporting the movement to bring Mario Bros. related issues to todays youth, with the hope that Mario-based videogames will remain with us until the end of days, amen.
If you ever want to learn how to say a lot without really saying anything, become an English major. This is exactly how I get an A on every essay paper I write. If anyone is in doubt about all of this, a quick search of Wikipedia will give you more information than you can possibly process in a single lifetime.
Those of us who spent their childhood and young adulthood playing videogames, as opposed to other, less interesting activities, such as dating, will remember Super Mario Bros. 2 as being distinctly different from the mainstream of SMB games, except for the more basic similarities in game-play. This was the first game in which the player could choose between Mario, his brother Luigi, Toad, or Princess Peach. According to William Sheldons somatotype theory, one could classify each, respectively, according to the three general body types as endomorphic, the type that easily gains weight, ectomorphic, the thin build, and mesomorphic, the more traditionally coveted athletic build. Thus, all body types are portrayed as equally viable options, while the princess is important more for representing women in a largely male dominated area. In addition, this is the version that features Wart, another endomorph, as opposed to the mesomorphic Bowser as the main boss character. This clearly reflects a preference for the full-figured body when it comes to archenemy type characters. Whether or not Wart can be considered a positive role model for people of size is another issue altogether, demanding a government grant and extensive research.
So, in conclusion, I want to congratulate Shy Guy for supporting the movement to bring Mario Bros. related issues to todays youth, with the hope that Mario-based videogames will remain with us until the end of days, amen.
If you ever want to learn how to say a lot without really saying anything, become an English major. This is exactly how I get an A on every essay paper I write. If anyone is in doubt about all of this, a quick search of Wikipedia will give you more information than you can possibly process in a single lifetime.