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Al Jazeera to cover Boston area tea parties

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Dec 29, 2005
If you watch MSNBC coverage they go out of their way to find the most right-wing loudmouth nut they can find and make like he's representative. If you watch Fox they're more fair but you guys think they are just a tool of the right. CNN is more fair than MSNBC but still tainted by the left-wing propaganda machine. The same applies to ABC, CBS and NBC.

So I heard on the radio that Al Jazeera English anchor Kimberly Halkett will be covering the Boston area tea parties, one of which will be tomorrow.

Lets all watch coverage from non-American media to try and get a more objective take shall we? BBC, Al Jazeera.....Candadian news is too close probably but better than what you normally get. Lots of international news stations here: http://www.livestation.com/Better still would be to just go to a tea party and judge for yourself.

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