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Alice 26 - by Mollycoddles (~BBW (Multiple), Intrigue, ~Sex, ~SWG )

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Perry White

Library Editor
Oct 29, 2009
~BBW (Multiple), Intrigue, ~Sex, ~SWG - Valentine's Day has arrived as the plans come to fruition

Alice 26 - Valentine's
By: Mollycoddles

(Click here for the prior installment)

Alice was a little nervous. Tyler had promised her a nice gift and a nice dinner and after that…well, he hadn't said anything but Alice knew what she wanted. She was ready to take the next step. She wanted to give Tyler a night that he would never forget. She thought about the special lingerie that she had bought for the occasion, the tight bodystocking in her closet right now. She hoped that it still fit.

She looked at herself in the mirror one last time. The bulging blonde knew she had gained even more weight. She really was trying to cut back, but none of her efforts seemed to have any effect on her expanding waistline. She was now so round and chubby that she had difficulty seeing her toes even when she bent over. Her wardrobe was more limited than ever as she found that she'd outgrown a new item every day. Cheer practice was becoming harder and harder as she started to become winded just from walking up the stairs.

The overstuffed girl who stared back at her from the mirror was definitely Alice Grobauch. Although she'd always been a chubbette for as long as she could remember; now she was an honest-to-gosh blimp. Her soft jiggly belly hung over the waistband of her panties, falling low enough to hide her crotch from view. Her large hefty breasts bulged up out of her bra to nearly smother her. Her thick thighs and pudgy calves looked like tree trunks.
But luckily she thought she could still fit into the dress that she'd specially chosen for this night. She grabbed the garment hanging over the back of a chair and strained to pull it up her thighs.

Alice wore a demure strapless gray dress, short but not too short; it modestly ended just above her knees. She wore a gray half-sweater that covered her shoulders and bosom. She'd only purchased it recently, which might explain why, for once, she was wearing something that she hadn't outgrown. Even so, the snug outfit hugged the plump princess's ample curves and the swell of her hefty belly.

Alice walked slowly down the stairs as the doorbell rang. The dress was still loose enough that it didn't greatly restrict her mobility and she didn't need to worry about splitting anything, but she still liked to be careful. She opened the door to find Tyler, dressed in a nice dress shirt and slacks. She was surprised to see that he'd managed to comb his moppy hair into a semblance of order. He looked positively presentable!

"Wow, Alice," he said, looking his girlfriend up and down. "You look amazing!"
Alice blushed. "Aw, Tyler, you're just saying that!" Secretly, she was pleased at the compliment; she didn't often get to hear one.

"No, really! You look beautiful!" He fumbled with a box in his hands. "I, uh, brought you some presents."

"Oh, wow!" Alice should have expected presents for Valentine's Day, of course, but she was still pleasantly surprised. Chris had never really gone out of his way to make her feel appreciated, so having Tyler show up bearing gifts was really exciting!

Naturally, the first gift was a big heart-shaped box of chocolates. "I should have expected that," thought Alice. The size of the box made her mildly concerned; knowing her insatiable sweet tooth, Alice doubted that it would be long before she'd consumed the entire box. She certainly shouldn't be caving in to her cravings any more than she already was, but she was also a teensy bit delighted for another excuse to indulge.

"Thanks, Tyler," she said, "You know I love chocolate." She decided not to say anything about her weight concerns and instead accepted the gift graciously. Tyler coughed and pulled out a second box – much smaller – from his pocket.

"I also brought you this," he said, opening it. Inside was a tiny silver heart-shaped locket on a chain.

"Oh!" squealed Alice in surprise. Now that was certainly not expected at all! She clapped her hands in delight. "Oh, it's just lovely! Wow! Oh, Tyler, you shouldn't have-"

"Nothing, um, is too good for you, Alice," said Tyler, shyly. He tripped over the words, feeling corny and clichéd. But Alice didn't notice. She was too busy trying to fasten the locket around her chubby neck. She turned her back to Tyler.

"Tyler, could you fasten it for me?" she asked.

Tyler took hold of the ends of the chain and carefully cinched them together. Alice turned back to face her man, beaming.

"I think this really will be the start of a very special night," she said with a wide smile.

The restaurant was fabulous Italian bistro, well known for its fine cuisine and large portions. Alice would have had trouble resisting this rich, buttery food on a normal night, but tonight she had an excuse to indulge: It was a special occasion.

But after a big meal of hearty Spaghetti Carbonara and a thick slab of cheesecake for dessert, Alice was no longer feeling comfortable in her dress. Her stomach was so swollen that the dress was stretched tight, the indent of her belly button and the crease of every wobbling flesh fold made clear. Alice gingerly stumbled to the car, leaning backward to help balance out her full tummy, with Tyler helping to support his gluttonous girlfriend.

"Ohhhh, I ate too much," moaned Alice as she plopped into the passenger seat of Tyler's car. She pulled the switch to recline the seat and leaned back, her bloated belly rising like a mountain before her.

"Are you okay, Alice?" asked Tyler with concern.

"Yes…I'll be fine…I just had a little bit…too much," groaned Alice, rubbing her glutted stomach. "Just start driving. I'll be fine by the time we get home."
Obediently, Tyler started the car. Alice whimpered softly every time the car hit a small bump in the road, jostling her overloaded gut. How could she have lost control and stuffed herself this much? She had wanted to give Tyler a special surprise after dinner. She even still had the bodystocking that she'd picked out for the occasion hidden back in her bedroom. But now she was so full that she doubted she had the strength to do anything other than lie back and moan.

Luckily, by the time the two teens had returned home, Alice felt like she had digested enough to move again.

"That's a good thing,' thought Alice. She really wanted this night to be special, so the last thing that she needed was to be so stuffed that she couldn't think straight.

"C'mon, Tyler, let's go upstairs," she said, grabbing his hand and leading him up to her room. "I want to be alone with you. After all, it's Valentine's Day."
Tyler stuttered and blushed slightly, embarrassed. Like Alice, he didn't have much experience in the bedroom, so this was new territory.

In the room, Alice pushed Tyler toward the bed.

"Tyler, why don't you lie down? I'll be right with you. I have…a surprise."

The chubby blonde giggled to herself. She knew that Tyler wouldn't be expecting his shy girlfriend to make such a bold display! He probably had no idea what he was about to see.

Alice retired to the bathroom and pulled out the bodystocking that she had bought on her shopping trip with Jen and Laurie. She stared at it for a moment before sighing.

"Well, here goes nothing!"

She grabbed the hem of her dress and started to pull it over her head. It was slow going; it was so tight now that she had to move carefully or risk popping some threads in the process. Finally, she was free. She dropped the dress to the floor and began to struggle into the bodystocking. It had been pretty tight when she first bought it, and, unfortunately, Alice had made no effort to curb her out-of-control appetite since then. As a result, it was now even tighter, to the point that she could hear stitches breaking with her every move.

She stared at herself in the mirror. Her enormous belly looked like a big veiny pumpkin trapped in the outfit's webbing.

"Oh God, I can't go out there like this! I look ridiculous!"

Then again…Tyler had said several times that he liked her thicker.

"Well, I guess…this will be the moment of truth," she said.

She slowly opened the door and waddled out to meet her man.

Tyler was lying on the bed. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw Alice in all her glory.

"Hey, there," said Alice, smiling shyly.

"Whoa!" Tyler gawped. "Alice...I...I don't know what to say…"

Alice attempted a little twirl, made awkward by her bulk and the creaking garment. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!"

Well, that was a positive sign. Alice waddled over and sat down on the bed. She tried to do it carefully, but not carefully enough. After the long trek from the bathroom, it turned out that sitting down was the straw the broke the camel's back. With a long, rolling tear, the over-stretched garment split apart, spilling Alice's fat belly into her lap. She stared, wide-eyed at her big pale dome of a gut.

There was a moment of silence. And then Alice burst out sobbing.
"Ohhh, Tyler, I can't b-b-b-believe it! I've t-t-t-totally ruined everything! Baw!"

"What? What are you talking about, Alice?"

"I wanted tonight to b-b-b-be sp-p-pecial! But look at me! I'm a fat ugly cow! What am I doing, thinking that I can be sexy for you? So stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"That's not stupid!" exclaimed Tyler, sitting up and putting his arms around Alice. "I don't care about your outfit, I think you're totally sexy!"

"No, I'm not! I'm fat!"

"Alice, I've told you before that I think you're beautiful!"

"Yeah, I know you say that…but, I mean, look at me! You can't really think that! I'm huge! And I keep gaining weight!"

"Well, I do think it! And I think you just keep looking better and better!"

"Oh, Tyler, you just don't know what you're saying! I know you think you like me like this...but you can't really. I mean, it's not just that I'm fat. I'm still getting fatter! I don't know why, I just can't stop myself! I'm always hungry and I just don't have the willpower to stop eating. I've outgrown all my clothes; I could barely fit into this bodystocking when I bought it and look at it now! I'm so fat that it's burst apart!"

Alice's sobs trailed off as she became aware of something stiff poking her in the small of her back. She turned around quizzically and gawped as she saw the culprit. Tyler's penis was throbbing and erect, pitching a massive tent in his boxer shorts. Alice blushed and looked away as Tyler began to stutter. Both teens were embarrassed by the boy's obvious arousal, but Alice was, well, honestly she was a bit pleased. Had she done that? Tyler must have been telling the truth about liking her body after all if he had that reaction. But was there more?

Alice turned around and stole another look at Tyler's erection. She shifted her weight, settling down on her haunches. From this position, Tyler had a clear view of his gaining girlfriend's tubby belly as it bulged through the rips in her bodystocking.

"Tyler, do you… like it when I talk like that?"

Tyler blushed and stammered. "Um…actually, Alice…yeah…I kinda do. I dunno, I think it's kind of…I don't know, kind of sexy."

Alice looked again at his crotch. She was finding it harder to look away.

"You know," she said, clearing her throat, "There's something else. I didn't want to tell you because…because it's kind of embarrassing."

"What is it, Alice? You can tell me anything."

"I…I haven't been able to sleep all the way through the night for the last week. I…I've started waking up because I get too hungry. I try to go back to sleep, but my belly just starts growling and rumbling, and I have to go downstairs for a snack. And I try not to eat too much, really. But I can't help it, I'm just too hungry. So every night this week, I've gone down to the kitchen for a midnight snack and I've just stuffed myself stupid. I can't go back to bed until I'm bursting, and then I sleep like a log. I know that you're not supposed to eat before you go to bed. I know it's bad for you because it converts right to fat and I know it must, because I've gained even more weight this past week. Even my loosest jeans aren't buttoning anymore, but what can I do? I can't starve myself, but if I don't do something I'm just going to keep eating and eating and never stop!"

By now, Tyler's erection was almost painfully swollen. He was sweating and clenching his fists, enraptured by Alice's story of unbridled gluttony. That was all the proof that Alice needed. Tyler really did like that she was porking out! Alice sighed in relief. It was if a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders. All this time she had worried that Tyler was just humoring her, that her weight would eventually drive him away. But now she knew that, if anything, her weight would only bring them closer.

Gently, Alice reached down and took hold of the hem of Tyler's shorts. She inched them down until his erect shaft popped out. Once again, she almost looked away in shyness, but the temptation to look straight at it was too overwhelming. She touched it lightly with one finger. Tyler whimpered. The boy was ready to explode! Alice was almost amazed at her own ability to give pleasure.

She was ready to do something that she had never been ready for before.

"You know," she said as she brought Tyler's cock to her mouth, "I'm still kind of hungry right now."


Jen's Valentine's Day was going well, too. Craig had showered the bubbly bimbette with gifts – besides a fancy box of chocolates (in which Jen had already made a sizeable dent before the evening was up), Craig had also bought her bushel of flowers, a day-pass to a high-end spa, and several CDs from Jen's favorite hip-hop groups. Jen had even started playing the CDs before they left for dinner, taking care to work her amazing butt for Craig's benefit. He nodded appreciatingly.

They had dinner at a Japanese sushi boat bar, where Jen had goggled happily at the little boats as they sailed past the patrons. She'd never seen anything so cute in her life! Naturally, with such a wide variety of dishes to try, Jen just had to try a little of everything. The meal left her feeling uncomfortably bloated, but she didn't have the willpower to object when Craig suggested buying her dessert at a gelateria.

Jen wore a red armless turtleneck sweater and a pair of nice dress pants that strained across her ample bottom. She wore long-sleeved black gloves that came up above her elbow, giving her a rather "Dragon Lady"-esque look. Her tummy, stuffed with food, puffed out under the sweater's hem, causing it to ride up slightly as she walked. The exposed waistband of her pants was obviously straining, pucker lines forming around the button.

Jen shivered in the cold night air as the couple walked up to her front door. The cold made her nipples stiffen, poking out against the fabric of her sweater. She hoped that Craig wouldn't notice. She worried it might ruin the surprise that she had planned for later tonight.

Ironically, Jen was actually better at balancing on her stiletto heels after a huge meal; her bloated belly created a good counter-weight to her well-padded rump. Even so, she huddled against Craig as they walked, allowing the burly boy to carry most of her weight. Craig didn't complain, keeping his arms tucked around Jen. As they walked, one hand slowly meandered down her back, coming to rest against the voluminous orb that was Jen's left butt cheek. Jen didn't complain.

"Like, thanks sooo much for everything, Craig!" gushed Jen. "This has been a totally, like, awesome night!" She smiled mischievously. "Like, but it doesn't have to end yet. Do you want to come up?"

"Hell yeah, baby, you know I do."

Jen smiled coyly, snuggling up to her man, as the couple retreated to Jen's room. Immediately, Jen locked the door and turned to face Craig.

"Hey, baby, I have, like, something to show you."

Craig grinned. "What's that, Jen?"

Jen tapped the quivering button on her pants. The pressure was enough and her swollen stomach launched the defeated button away from her crotch with a loud *snap*. Jen barely noticed that she'd ruined a perfectly good pair of pants. She was more intent on making a dramatic presentation for Craig. The zipper slid down, revealing that Jen was wearing a tiny black thong. She grabbed the sides of her pants and yanked them down, giving Craig a full view of her underthings – the black thong and lacy stockings. Then she grabbed the hem of her red sweater and pulled it off over her head.

Jen hadn't been wearing a bra. Her erect nipples popped free as she pulled the sweater off her chest.

She'd been wearing the special lingerie that she'd picked out with Alice and Laurie under her outfit all night. Craig was speechless.

"Baby, you always know how to make an entrance." And I don't mind watching you make an exit either, he thought to himself.

"Yeah, like, and I know what my Craig likes. I know that someone's been watching me all night, always trying to sneak a pinch of this." She turned to the side and stuck her bottom out, running one hand along the smooth curve of her bare rear.

"Heh, well, can't blame a guy for that."

Jen waddled up to Craig and pushed him onto her bed. She spun around and shoved her butt into his face.

"Oh, baby, you likey?" Jen was so intent on making a spectacle of herself that she seemed unaware of just how ridiculous she looked in her frilly underthings. Her stockings barely fit, the flesh of her upper legs puffing out around the stockings' hem – it almost looked like she had two muffintops on her legs. The garters were way stretched out, struggling to stay clasped onto her flimsy garterbelt. In fact, they tugged at her belt so hard that the garment was slowly being pulled down with her every movement; more and more of her deep asscrack was exposed with every jiggling shake of her ample bottom. But the last thrust proved too much for the poor things, as the left garter suddenly snapped under the power of her enormous buttcheeks and flew up to slap Craig in the face. He yelped instinctively and clutched at his face.

"Oh baby!" cried Jen, "Are you alright? Oh my Gawd, I am soooo sorry!" She spun around and grabbed Craig's face in her hands and cradled him to her bosom. "Poor Craig, I totally didn't mean to hurt you!"

"That's okay, baby," said Craig, "You just don't know your own power."

Jen fingered the split garter. "Crap," she whispered, "It's busted! And it was, like, brand new!"

"That's okay," said Craig, reaching around to cup her exposed buttock and draw her closer. "I like you better without it." He squeezed the round, globular lobe, making Jen squeak cutely.

"Oh Craig, I know you do," she giggled, "But I really wanted this to be, like, special. Like, something different. And now it won't be! Stupid garter."

"Baby, it doesn't have to be different to be special. You know what I like." He drew her close sliding his other hand under the remaining garter and giving her other cheek a firm squeeze. Jen's butt squished in his hands like a pair of gelatin-filled waterballoons. Jen giggled again, sending shockwaves through her bloated dererrie – enough to blast the other garter apart.

"Baby, there's just too much ass here to keep covered," said Craig approvingly. "That's just the way I like it."

"Hmmm," murmured Jen as Craig worked his hands over her bulbous rear, squeezing and kneading the two jiggling globes of fat. Her rump rippled like a disturbed pond.

Jen grabbed hold of his hands and pulled them away briefly. "Okay, baby, that's enough of that for you."

"Aww, come on!" Craig was not happy about having to take his hands off his girlfriend's jiggly rump. But Jen wasn't done with him. She flipped around, so that Craig had a better view of her monstrous globular behind.

"Oh, you don't wanna stop? You like this?"

"You know I do, baby."

"You like alllllll this ass? You like having a girlfriend who's got, like, the biggest ass in school?"

"Oh yeah."

"Everyone knows it too, you know," continued Jen proudly. Why should Laurie be the only one to brag about her assets? "All the girls are always talking about it. And the boys too. Like, who would believe that a white girl would have a booty this juicy? Even the black and Puerto Rican girls at school are, like, totally jealous of this ghetto fabulous booty. They think I, like, wear those special panties that make your ass look bigger, the ones you see on, like, late-night infomercials? Booty pop panties? Yeah, that's them. But, like, I don't need any panties to make this booty pop. THIS booty makes panties pop."

"Baby, stop teasing me!"

"Um, like I'll stop when you make me," giggled Jen, skooching up to Craig and grinding her bulbous tushie in his lap. "I just wanna really make sure that you like it, baby." Jen gyrated her pumped-up bottom, rubbing against Craig's crotch harder and harder. She was quickly rewarded for her move as she felt his dick firming up and pressing into the soft flesh of her chubby caboose.

"Is that proof enough for you, baby?" grunted Craig. He was turning red with excitement, but obviously trying to keep control. He stood up – rather awkwardly due to his hard-on – and grabbed Jen around the waist.

"Baby, I've waited long enough; now I'll show you exactly how much I like that ass."

Jen cooed and giggled as she heard Craig unzip his pants. The pear-shaped piggy was used to being taken from behind; no one could resist the lure of her ever-expanding bum, the acres of soft blubber just called out to be touched and caressed and more. And Jen wasn't complaining. She bent over, offering herself to Craig.

He had some difficulty getting inside her, since her pontoon-like ass cheeks got in the way. But he managed eventually.


Laurie's Valentine's Day was not going nearly as well. First off, her little black dress didn't fit her as well as when she'd first picked it out. Sure, the plunging neckline still offered a mind-blowing look at her expansive cleavage – some might say a little TOO much of a look since her hefty hooters were in real danger of spilling out of their tight confines every time she moved or breathed, but Laurie was never one to believe in moderation. And that was especially true when it came to her boobs. The dark-haired vixen always strove to call attention to her most pneumatic feature, and, considering how much her boobs had been swelling as she'd gained weight over recent months, that had become a much easier task. With breasts so huge they were in danger of outgrowing the alphabet, it would have been more challenging now for Laurie to find ways to call attention away from her magnificent bustline.

Otherwise, Laurie's black dress was pinching and straining more than usual. The zipper pulled up only after an intense struggle and flesh was oozing over the lip no matter what she did.

But Laurie's dress wasn't the real reason she was annoyed.

Frank's gift was subpar.

The kitten blinked at her.

"What is this?" she said flatly. She'd been expecting some nice jewelry. She always got jewelry, something sparkly and flashy that she could wear around and really make the other girls jealous. Her old ex-boyfriend had showered her in flashy, chintzy jewelry and, although she didn't think much of him, she liked that he was desperate enough to keep her happy that he was willing to empty his wallet like that. But this? How much could a cat cost?

"Well, I was talking to Jen and I realized that you might get a little lonely when there's no one else around," said Frank. "So I thought I'd get you a little friend who'll always be there for you."

Laurie picked up the kitten gingerly, holding it away from her face as if it was a bomb that might go off. She did not like animals. They were…dirty and smelly and annoying and they didn't have any place in her perfectly-ordered life. Plus, this kitten just kept blinking at her stupidly.

"Thanks," she said, "That's really what I needed." Yeah, right. What she needed now was a good dinner and a good fuck. She had half a mind to call off the whole date and send Frank home with his tail between his legs for giving her such a crappy gift. She smirked at the idea of sending her stupid boyfriend home with some major blue balls, but then she wouldn't get a free meal tonight. Besides, she really wanted to get laid. She'd even bought special lingerie for the occasion and she was not about to let that purchase go to waste.

"Alright, let's go eat," she snarled, dropping the kitten lightly on the bed. It rolled over and stared up at her. The cat seemed completely in awe of Laurie's size. It had only seen a few humans so far and none of them matched up to her. From the bed, it had a worm's eye view of Laurie's milky cleavage canyon, her scowling face peering at it over her enormous wobbling juggs.

"So what are you going to call her?" asked Frank.

"What? I don't know. I don't care; let's go eat."

"Oh, I think you should name your new friend first."

Laurie scowled even deeper, her face starting to flush. She really did not want to put up with this nonsense.

"Listen, sweetie, I'm hungry," she hissed, "And I want to eat NOW. So let's go. And if you think you'll be getting any tonight, then you better be ready to go NOW." To emphasize her point, she thrust out her already jutting chest a little more.

Frank smiled slightly. He knew Laurie was bluffing. She was a girl who liked her carnal pleasures and she would just as soon withhold sex as she would curb her massive appetite. He stood his ground.

"Come on, Laurie, just think of a name. It's so easy. Then we can go."

"Fraaaank, I just want to gooooo," whined Laurie, changing tactics. Her threats didn't seem to be bearing fruit, so now she was becoming whiny and petulant. She bobbed up and down, her bulbous bosom and fleshy tummy quivering.

"And we can just as soon as we name this kitty," said Frank soothingly, "Come on, just look at her, what kind of name do you think would fit?"

Laurie glared at the small cat, which had curled into a little orange ball like a tiny pumpkin on the bed.

"Pumpkin?" she said.

"There you go," said Frank approvingly, "Now we can go eat."


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