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New Member
Mar 29, 2007
Hey, just wanted to introduce myself to the board.

For a long time I've had the BBW as one of my fetishes, but also creeping in the back of my mind I've had the almost secret desire to be fattened up myself.I've never done anything about it but it's always been there.

Joining is one of my steps about rectifying that. I also have put on weight(without necessarily trying) for the first time ever pretty much. I'm a 19 year old guy and until recently I weighed a minute 9stone5, now in the last month or so I've put on just over a stone and a half and clock in at 11stone. It's such an amazing feeling not fitting in some of my old jeans, and seeing my belly develop, it really turns me on. Last few mornings I've woken up and felt it, it feels larger.hehe

I know this is a bit of sad introduction by a newbie but I finally worked up the courage to reigister.

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