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Amber 4.6 -Incarcerated - by Dwavenhobble (~BBW, Eating, Lesbianism, ~MWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Lesbianism, ~MWG - An outraged Sally has to deal with iimprisonment by parental order

Amber 4.6 -Incarcerated
(with permission from Mollycoddles)

(For previous chapter click here)

“Come on Amber,” I said while hurriedly helping Amber back to the taxi after our encounter with the cheerleading squad (found here) “we'd better get you home and into some actual clothes.”

The ride home was quite funny. Amber was still roaring with laughter at what had just transpired and how in the future she could imagine some of those cheerleaders her size if not bigger. Meanwhile the entire taxi sagged to one side due to Amber's tremendous bulk as she described Jen and Laurie:

"Did you see the butt on that one Sally? She was huge. I bet she gets wedged in some doorways already and that other one, I think she's the squad leader, she was almost as busty as you ."

"Yes I know Amber. Those two will really become fat by the looks of things, maybe they'll even surpass you one day."

"Never Sally, I won't be beaten."

We got home and I paid the taxi driver, even giving him a tip. He pulled me closer so as to be sure Amber couldn't hear.

“Will she be alright?” he asked in a half worried tone. I realized that Amber might have been his biggest fare ever. It was difficult for her to get in the rear even though we'd specified a van instead of a car. I'd had to sit up front with the driver.

“Oh she’ll be fine,” I assured him.

Finally in the house and alone with Amber, I could better see the damage. Her belly apron seemed to be the only thing holding her skirt in place and her top was in tatters, revealing the snug fitting bra underneath.

“Sally, is it time for lunch yet?” asked Amber. As always, her mind was unsatiably on food.

Before I could answer there was a loud knock at the door, I quickly opened it to see two uniformed men standing in the doorway.

“Are you a Miss Sally, the lover of Miss Amber?” demanded one of the men.

“Uhh yes.” I replied.

The second guy then pulled out a radio; pressing it to his mouth he said “we've got her.”

Before I could ask what was happening they had walked in through the door.

“Hey, what do you think you'rr doing here?” I yelled.

“Be gone shortly,” said one of the guys quickly as he scanned around.

“There she is!” said the other.

They quickly marched into the living romm where Amber was sitting slumped on a chair near the table.

“You’re coming with us, Miss.” said one of the men sternly to Amber.

“Its for your own good” called the other.

“What? Why? Where? Who are you?” asked Amber in quick succession

“We, lardy lady, are here to take you to Sgt. Sandra Sphincter’s Crazy
Christmas Image Enhancement Camp” said the one.

“Oohh,” exclaimed Amber, giggling slightly “you mean I can get even fatter?”

“What !!” exclaimed the first one “No! You're going to become beautiful and normal. Your parents have signed all the ciommitment papers, so resistance is futile.”

“Hey, she is beautiful!” I interjected.

Obviously ignoring me the other carried on “We will take you either willingly or by force. Its your choice”

“Force ha! You think you can move me if I don’t want to go ?”

“Yes, by taking your little girlfriend there.”

I felt crummy, wishing that I'd run to call the police instead of sticking around. This operation was obviouisly costing her parents big bucks. I also realized that, with others outside, we were out-numbered.

“Crap. I’m sorry Sally I don’t want them to harm you so I'd better go with them,” Amber said. I realized she was volunteering to give up lunch after her trip for me. She had to be ravenous. It was a touching sacrifice.

The men basically frog marched Amber out of the building and into a waiting van which I saw sink considerably when Alice clambered in.

The van sped off, kicking up dust behind it, taking poor Amber to become “pretty.” I funed. "What a stupid idea making everyone into the same false person like a fashion model. I mean who wants to be with someone who is skin and bones ?

“Now where have they taken her?” I thought aloud, then I remembered one of them saying “Sgt. Sandra Sphincter’s Crazy Christmas Image Enhancement Camp.”

I rushed over to the computer and googled this. The results included a map of where it was. This was it. I wasn’t letting my fat girl be bossed around. I was going to bust her out, or at least sabotage their attempts to change her.

Setting off from the local station I made it to the camp in good time and decided firstly to try the easy way.

Walking up to the large iron gates I heard a voice yell “halt, why are you here ?”

I turned to see a rake thin female in what looked like a prison warden's uniform brandishing a baton rather menacingly “There's been a mix up. My friend is in there and she shouldn’t be.”

“Yeah, sure.” said the woman. “There's always been a mix up; now get out of here before I call the cops on you.”

I hurried away. In an attempt to get my thoughts together and come up with a new plan, I watched as girls ranging from slightly plump to fairly fat were brought in by parents. None was near the size of Amber though. By comparison these girls were anorexic. I also witnessed numerous people trying to get in including one person pretending to be a pizza Delivery guy but all of them were shooed away by the gate guards.

“Alright. I can't go through the front door anyway and round here the fencing is near impenetrable, but maybe just maybe,” I thought starting to walk round the perimeter of the fence.

Then I saw it!

"It isn't much but it will have to do," I thought as I found a place where the fence went across uneven ground. I then watched from the fence to see which cabin Amber was in.

That night. having bought a few large bars of chocolate and many bags of sweets, I snuck in dodging the few sentries about and reaching Amber's cabin I went in, I saw Amber immediately in her tight camp uniform. My goodnees she was sexy. The uniform looked at least 3 sizes too small if not more. I nudged her and slowly she awoke.

“Sally !” She cried.

“SSHHH Amber you’ll wake the whole camp”

“Sorry Sally but how'd you get in ?”

“A hole in the fence. Now listen. Whilst your in here I'm going to make sure you don’t loose a single pound and if possible get you even fatter right under their noses”

“Oohh Sally that’s so sexy,” purred Amber. But I knew better than to try sex there.

“Not now Amber," I said. "Here, I've brought you some snacks.”

Amber looked and grabbed the food off me, then started wolfing it down as if she hadn’t seen food for days. Once she was done I grabbed the wrappers to hide the evidence and left promising to return the next night with more goodies.

During her eating Amber told me of the other two girls she was with -Alice, a shy sort of girl, and Heather, who really seemed like she wanted to gain and had a loving boyfriend who encouraged her. They were only in for two weeks, but Amber might be kept until the next school year, nearly nine months away.

I returned every night that week and nearing the end of the week I noticed Amber had given up on sleeping in the camp shorts and was lying in her underwear which was stretched to its absolute limit. Each time I saw her flame red pubic hairs just pressed against the panties I got so hot and wet. This was only added too by the fact I knew Amber was slowly getting fatter.

On the Saturday I snuck into the bunkhouse again only to find a huge Amber fast asleep it looked like shed already eaten a lot her stomach was tight as a drum Whilst I was there I heard a creaking then a splintering noise and, realising it was Amber's bunk. I scooted to the door so I was out the way when I heard the inevitable crunch and thud of Amber and bed hitting the floor.

When I returned the following night I found Amber conscious but still stuffed I gave her the food and she said as she had been given time off the exercises by the doctor she would eat the food throughout the day, I noticed on the way out the hole seemed a bit smaller than I remembered oddly.

During the next day as I was waiting near the camp entrance I overheard a muscular female guard talking to the skinny one I'd seen earlier.

“I've heard there's been sightings of someone getting in at night,” said the skinny one.

“Yes, me too,” said the muscular one.

“We'd better check the fence for breaks.”

“OK” said the muscular female and they walked off.

Crap.” I thought “I hope they don’t find the gap”

A few hours later my fears were confirmed. They had found the ditch and from what I could hear in a few days it was going to be filled in !! I thought quickly and decided I needed to get Amber out now but I'd need help.

Luckily for me when I snuck in that night Alice and Heather were awake and caught me. It turned out that the people at the main entrance gate that kept trying to get in were friends of theirs so I hatched a plan with Heather and Alice to get them all out the next day.

After talking with Justin and Tyler the plan was set in the evening. We snuck round to the gap and met with Amber and the others. Unfortunately my idea didn’t go quite as planned as Amber had some trouble getting out. ending up in her bra and panties both of which left a lot of her exposed but she was out. Heather got thought fairly easily and so did Alice.

We all exchanged phone numbers and then went our separate ways.

Luckily I had brought some of Amber's clothes with me as the sight of a nearly 500lb girl walking through town in very little on a cold day was likely to attract some attention from the people around. Unfortunately I hadn't counted on how much Amber had grown in just under two weeks. The clothes fit but in my view not a lot better than they used to with Ambers rolls of fat spilling out everywhere.

Hours later back at school at Amber's dorm, having collected a lot of both our stuff and deciding to hide out at hers, I revealed a huge feast of fattening food for Amber which she wolfed down in next to no time, she let out a short burp then stood up and said

“Sally do you reckon I've put on much recently ?”

“I dunno Amber but I think we should find out” I said producing a set of scales “600lbs limit on these Amber.”

Amber climbed on slightly unsteadily shacking all over her clothes taught around her bloated stuffed body.

“What do they read Sally?”

“Hold on Amber,” I said having to lift her lower belly to see and becoming quite aroused “lets see 520lbs Amber”

“Ooh” squealed Amber excitedly, “bedtime I think”

“Definitely,” I said.

And thus followed a night of great and thrilling passion between us.

(This story continued here)

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