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Amber and Carolyn - Chap 11 - by the Observer (~BBW, Romance, Eating, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (Multiple), Romance, Eating, ~SWG- Getting to know the bigger family

Amber and Carolyn - Chap 11
A tale of two sisters and their Friends
by The Observer

[Click here for prior installment]

Chapter 11 – Dave’s Dinner

Amber had been thinking about what to do about Friday’s dinner. She knew her parents wanted to meet Dave, which was all well and good. But she had an agenda of her own.

It was very enjoyable for him to ply her with meals and pick her brain for business, but what about other things? Would he appreciate her interest in cooking, her values in her Church, and the kind of family she had wanted to impress him with her domestic side. The fact was that after a trip to Vegas and a single social date she didn’t know him that well.

“I hope you know I’m not going off the deep end over this guy,” she had told her Mom Tuesday evening. “I’m committed to going to college and I know I know virtually nothing about his family. Its a business friendship that just seems right is all I can say for now. So, please, be kind.”

“Don’t worry,” her Mom replied. ”Its just that you’ve always included your school friends in the family and we’ve formed a natural curiosity about who you get involved with – even if its not that involved. So is what we already discussed for dinner alright?”

“Ummm – how about you take the night off and just be a guest? I want to surprise him with my culinary skills.”

“Well, OK. I know you can do it. What are you planning?”

“Something he will likely not expect. Mock beef Wellington with mock potatoes and green beans – coconut crème pie for dessert. I think I can do it better than the fancy restaurants,”

“Intriguing – so what are you substituting?”

"Mushroom and vegetable terrine for the liver pate and cauliflower potatoes Indian style – you know like the Aloo Gobi I did when Uncle George was here. “

“Ambitious, but not that demanding in the kitchen”

“Exactly. I do the pie, pastry and mock potatoes the night before, then concerntrate on the meat Friday afternoon. But should I do salad or soup?”

“Well, there is that tortilla soup recipe from Chili’s!"

“Hmmm, yes, but so many ingredients! It definitely gets done the night before. I have already asked Carolyn to help with the setting – table cloth and the linen napkins. But no fancy china, just the good dinner plates and regular smallware.”

“Smallware? Now you’re revealing your restaurant experience!”

“Well, he needs to learn some day what I really know - our company does work in that field, after all.”

“OK – sounds like you’ve got it under control. Ask for my help if you need it.”

Wednesday she made a list of all she would need, checked it against existing supplies, then went out and spent over $70 to fill in the gaps. Thursday evening she made the soup, dessert and mock potatoes as planned, but saved the dough for early Friday morning.

Friday afternoon she had a light lunch at the switchboard so that she could leave early. By 4:00 she was home getting things going. Carolyn showed up at 5:30 and set up five places at the dining table, including two vases with flowers. By 6:30 it was evident that everything was going to come out as planned.

Meanwhile Dave was approaching the house mildly nervous. He’d appreciated the invitation but knew an “old country” approach when he saw it. He at one level appreciated it but at another wondered what sort of interrogation lay ahead. He was conscious of their age difference and concerns about Amber’s college career. But what else might there be?

Part of him wondered about her family's attitude towards Amber’s weight. At probably slightly over 170 or so she wasn’t that heavy, but he knew she’d gained over the summer. Would his appreciation of her robust appetite be thought of as strange? And what about his own height and girth? He could only hope it wasn’t going to be a problem. Well, at least he hadn't forgotten his promised dessert.

Ten minutes before 7:00 he arrived and knocked on the door. One look at Amber’s Mom vanquished his worst fears – easily over 250 pounds, she obviously was in no position to be holding anything against her daughter. He did not know that, to the contrary, Amber’s mom had trained all her children to be very size positive.

He turned over a half-gallon container of double churned blueberry cheesecake ice cream and was welcomed inside. Amber in the kitchen overheard the conversation and suddenly remembered her father's promise and decided double dessert was an OK option. Dave he noted Carolyn, young but obviously following in her Mom and sister’s footsteps. And on the coffee table a family photograph, showing her Dad to be fully as big as Dave.

Dave relaxed, but inquired where Amber was.

“In the kitchen finishing up,” Carolyn volunteered. “You didn’t know?”
“Know what?”

“She took over tonight – told Mom it was her turn. She’s got a feast for us!”

“Oh? Like what?”

“Soup, beef Wellington, veggies and pie.”

“Blabbermouth!” Amber exclaimed kiddingly as she entered the room, “I just hope it turns out as good as I’m intending”

Dave was dazzled. He had been expecting chicken or casserole, not gourmet ooking

“Sounds great – I’m impressed!” he stammered.

“Well, if my publicity agent will help we’ll start serving – Dad should be here any minute. He usually arrives with the punctuality of a railroad train”

“Should I toot or whistle?” affirmed a deep voice from the hall. Amber’s Dad entered and extended his hand to Dave.

”I came in through the patio to drop off some papers in the den,” Mr. Rogers explained. “You are, I take it, our guest of honor?”

“Yes,” replied Dave. “But I think its actually more my honor to meet your family.”

“So be it. Are you in the custom of saying a blessing at meals?”

Amber hadn’t expected her Dad to be so direct in matters of religion and paniced a bit inside, buit Dave took it in stride.

“Whenever an occasion calls for it, it’s a pleasure. We all have much to be thankful for.”

“Then please do,” said her Dad.

Dave asked everyone to bow their heads and gave an extemporaneous 45 second blessing. Amber’s parents immediately perceived that Dave had some sort of spiritual element in his life, but hesitated to ask his exact beliefs. That was fine with Dave, who was more interested in rating the soup and praising Amber.

“Its restaurant quality - not from a can,” he noted. “Excellent.”

“True – its the recipe Chili’s uses. My mom has quite a collection.”

“It may surprise you that I’ve actually seen that recipe but never done it. But this is Chili’s quality. All this was quite an undertaking”

“Amber likes playing with her food,” Carolyn piped up, “in a good way of course.”

“What she’s referring to is my breakfast efforts. I’ve been the cook for breakfast since age 13. Carolyn can cook too, but prefers to sleep in and be my clean up crew.”

“Started that way, now I’m just stuck with it” protested Carolyn

“I’m interested in the entrée,” interjected their Dad to change the subject.

The meal went well, with Dave answering all the questions Amber’s parents plied him with – plus his asking a few of his own. When they had finished the pie for dessert Amber’s mom suggested that it was time to let Amber and Dave have some time to themselves. The parents went upstairs while Carolyn took care of the kitchen; Dave and Amber went to the living room.

“Well,’ said Amber. “I wasn’t anticipating the third degree but you survived.”

“Actually it was a learning experience.” replied Dave. “Not quite as old country as I expected but very educational for me. You’ve got a great family.”

“Old country? We’re fifth generation Americans,” Amber responded.

“I believe that now – but the custom of parents inviting a girl’s friend to dinner to check him out was once much more common, and in my view not really a bad idea. But most kids today want nothing to do with it. I’m glad you didn’t feel that way.”

Amber was puzzled - and then a light dawned. Dave was right. She had respected her Mom’s wishes instinctively without question. Most kids today were indeed different. And Dave had seen it.

“So you like the more traditional approach?”

“As practiced here, most definitely – do you have any board games?”

“Yes, we have some – but I’m more into cards than chess.”

After about an hour of rummy Carolyn emerged to announce the kitchen was finished. Amber thanked her but then Dave interjected “By the way, there’s some blueberry cheese cake ice cream available if anyone is interested.”

Carolyn immediately lit up and Amber found herself attracted to the idea too.

“Why not fill up three large bowls,” she suggested.

As the three enjoyed their desserts Dave drew them out, taking an interest in Carolyn’s JA project.

“You know there are companies that set aside funds to help targeted JA projects aren’t you,” he said.

“No,” she replied, “like what?”

“Not quite my field – but I’ll look into it and let Amber know. OK?

“OK, thanks,” said Carolyn as she left.

“Real businesswoman in the making,” observed Dave.

“Yes, she’s always been money-oriented. I think she wants to catch up to me. And she may do it”

“Oh? How do you mean?”

“I had some lucky breaks and managed to save a fair amount when I was barely a teenager. Its not huge, but more than most. Now she wants to do it”

“Well, all I can say is that you have amazing family! Its great to know them.”

After some more cards and games Dave went home. Carolyn pumped Amber for information and served each of them some more ice cream.

As for Dave, he was saying his second thanksgiving prayer of the night.

(Click here for the next chapter)


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