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Amber and Carolyn - Chap 17 - by the Observer (~BBW (Multiple), Eating, Friendships,)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (Multiple), Eating, Friendships, ~MWG - Bob speaks for the group, using martial arts

Amber and Carolyn - Chap 17
A tale of two sisters and their Friends
by The Observer

(Click here for the prior chapter)

CHAPTER 17 - Getting down to business

Sam Murchison’s parents were outraged by Bob’s actions, but were caught in a bind. Their son by all accounts had swung the first blow. To admit this in a formal complaint, or even his involvement, would mean automatic expulsion since it would be his third offense. It would also likely involve more unwanted publicity. Bob, even if found guilty, would likely only get detention or at worse a three day suspension.

Faced with the choice the Murchisons withdrew their trouble-making son from public school over the holidays. In January he didn’t return to class – he reportedly had been sent to a military academy.

Brenda returned to class with a distinctly forming added roundness to her cheeks and a definite double chin. Her belly rolls and lovehandles clearly showed despite her recently purchased new winter outfits. Thankfully large on top to match her flaring hips, her soft belly had a distinct jiggle as she walked.

A brief look unto her winter break activities gave an easy explanation. She had become the catering consortium's food researcher. She was learning to prepare exotic items such as Pinolli and pita dippers. The former translates into a fried pita shell with a creamy chocolate chip Ricotta cheese filling, while the latter are deep fried pita chips kissed with sugar and cinnamon, served with chocolate sauce or yogurt for dipping. Her generous home consumption of such goodies was invariably in addition to, not in place of, her regular eating. If she had any concerns about her ever thickening torso they were quickly dispelled by one of Bob’s gifts – a two pound box of holiday chocolates.

Carolyn had told Amber she thought herself to be at least 20 pounds behind Brenda but was actually closer. Her own constant grazing had added fifteen pounds by January, but with her 5-10 height it simply showed less. Amy, on the other hand, had gained less than five pounds and this was easily overlooked in light of her changed wardrobe.

Ann by this time was showing real effects of her added diet. She was having to wear undergarments to prevent her middriff from being exposed in the cold weather. Formerly loose tank tops were nowhere near touching her waistband and were getting snug, Her cup size was increasing and Greg noticed, approvingly, that she needed new clothes.

“Yes,” she replied. ”Its been over twenty pounds in five months – hope its not too much for you.”

“Not at all,” he beamed, “I’m looking forward to the next twenty.”

Ann smiled “it could happen you know – that’s only 165.”

Amy was the only one not significantly gaining, but she was still the largest and wasn't competitive about weight anyway. Her size was a product of other issues and not something she had sought. The important thing was that she and Jim were getting along fine. He even had her doing regular exercise to bolster energy and stamina – not to mention her self esteem. He was really impressed, and so was her Aunt, when her report card was full of B’s and only one C – the best in her life. Carolyn and Ann made honor roll as usual, but Brenda (normally a strong B average) surprised everyone by making it for the first time.

“Our study group is succeeding,” declared Carolyn, and the group decided to celebrate with a dinner out at a Chinese buffet with the guys (who themselves were doing fine on grades). Carolyn, who by choice did not have a steady boy friend, brought a guy (not her buddy Bruce) from her Church group.

Amy and the guys all noticed that the three lighter girls all had to adjust their clothes as they sat down. Brenda was obviously pushing towards Amy’s class and Ann definitely needed a wardrobe upgrade. But they all managed to waddle around the buffet serving line three times with no apologies.

The next day Amy asked Jim, “Doesn’t it bother Greg and Bob the way Ann and Brenda are getting?

“I don’t think so. I’m not the only one who prefers girls with curves.”

“I guess. I got fat by eating snack foods while watching tv and carting for my grandmother, but they eat all the time! It like they want to get fatter.

Jim was cautious. “With supportive boy friends it just may be natural. No one is forcing them to eat. Like you, they’ll come to a point of leveling off and do fine I’m sure.”

As they spoke Ann was chatting with her aunt.

“Thanks,“ she said, “for helping me develop some womanly curves. I was so afraid I’d freak you out by eating as I have these past few months.”

Her Aunt had just served her a large supper of macaroni and cheese with chicken parts, mashed potatoes and meat loaf from the local Boston Market. She’d bought enough for four normal servings and she and Ann had eaten most of it – with Ann having the larger portion.

He Aunt smiled, mindful of the soup and cornbread with syrup breakfast of that morning and similar creative meals. Ann had had two large pieces of cornbread. The day before at breakfast she had had three pita pockets filled with scrambled eggs and vegetables.

Her niece had developed a ravenous appetite that was a marked contrast to her fussy eating habits of prior years. Ann’s Aunt saw as a passing teen age growth spurt and rather enjoyed the appreciation she was getting for providing the meals. Ann certainly was happy and didn’t look at all heavy – just healthy.

”Just be sure you know when to stop, dear. You’re nowhere near fat yet, but you could get there some day” she said as she took some coconut cream pie from the refrigerator.

Ann’s face lit up as she eyed the pie.

“I know – and Greg doesn’t mind so I’m enjoying the ride” she said, stroking her podgy belly. ”But right now I’m having fun learning about food – did you know that there are twenty subgroups of Italian cuisine alone? And at least five each of Indian and Chinese. It’s a whole new world to explore and a few pounds are well worth the price! Of course, let’s be real. My clothes are getting tighter. I’m thinking I should junk anything lesser than size 12.”

Her Aunt pragmatically agreed as she cut the pie - and they went shopping during the inventory sales that weekend.

Greg, as an emerging FA, was overjoyed. He was even more so when Ann began introducing some of her discoveries into the catering business by first testing them on the group.

“This afternoon,” she announced one day, “we have Texas tuna burgers with jalepeno mayonaise on whole wheat hamburger buns. Its topped with roasted red peppers, sliced onions and mushrooms. “

She didn’t mention that just two of these “healthy burger” babies plus a home made shake and kitchen fries were easily over 1000 calories.

Brenda of course took such cooking to be a challenge, and two days later came up with a luscious creamy coconut custard pie flavored with limeade and coconut milk. Each large slice of this delicacy was 600 calories – and everyone wanted seconds. On other days she baked uniqiue delkicacies such as root beer cookies and raspberry goat cheese meringues

Whether it was tasty gluten-free pasta or superb almond paste pastries, Carolyn recognized the talent of her two friends. She suggested taking some of their profits and a donated church kitchen and having a buffet dinner for catering firm owners. There were five meat entrees, six types of vegetables and eight desserts. The girls expanding waistlines were proof of probable customer satisfaction.

The result was a diversified menu which the firms could use – and increased business as well as pounds. By June graduation Brenda was nearly 200 pounds with Carolyn not far behind; Ann was pushing 160. Amy, despite her best efforts had slipped up to 225.

All of this had been done, remember, as part of a special school focus program in cooperation with JA and Ann as advisor to the group. The improvement in grades and the dollars in profits caused the group to be awarded the School’s top award for group performance that year. The business continued on its own that summer as did the relationshps and, to a lesser degree the girl’s expansion. But then the eight high school students had to go their separste ways to various colleges. In a final dinner they proised to stay in contact.

As for Amber and Dave, well we haven’t finished that part of the story.

Amber still had three months to go on the contract she’d made with her and Dave’s common employer. But both the company and Dave knew the end of her agreement was coming and that Amber fully intended to move on.

By this time Amber knew thast Dave, seven years her senior, was actually part of the family that owned their employer. She’d met and had Thanksgiving dinner with his parents and they got along fine. They recognized her character and virtues as a potential daughter in law. Had their son and Amber elected to go that route she would have been warmly received. But there was a barrier. Dave was wise enough to see Amber’s dilemma and not push. There was a tension between his own desires and Amber’s personal ambitions. She really did want to have a degree before getting married and career before having kids. It had nothing to do with him

It took some soul searching, but the decision point came when it was time for Dave to take a promotion to groom him for eventual top management. He would be responsible for several offices in widely dispersed cities. This meant he would be on the road constantly for at least three years. Although the two wanted to be together both Dave and Amber realized that at best it would during that time be a “see each other when we can” relationship even f they got married. So they mutually agreed to one things down.

The happy news is that they did manage to keep in contact as Amber pursued her studies and Dave built his career. Every few months they even managed to get together, invariably with food involved. In college amber gained a bit more, finally topping out around 230. And that is what she weighed when the by then more mature and ready for a lifetime together couple got married five years later. She was 24 and he was 31.


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