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An interesting series of debates - Campos vs Brownell

Dimensions Magazine

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Oct 14, 2005
Just a heads up for you all - these are an interesting read (and not overly wordy or scientific)

As always, its good to see Campos getting exposure and a chance to put across his point.

Subjects debated:

How obese are we?

(Is obesity truly an "epidemic"? What’s the size of our overeating problem?)

Why is our flab state business?

(Specifically, what concern is it of the government's that Americans are getting fatter?)

The best anti-obesity policies

(What specific government policies, and what types of approaches, work best in combatting obesity?)

Obesity myths

(What are the most common misconceptions about obesity, and who is spreading them?)

Culture matters in the obesity debate

(How much are the Great Fat Wars an artifact of class and cultural differences? How does that affect the way we talk about and act upon obesity?)

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