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An Observation I wanted to Pass On

Dimensions Magazine

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The Big Kat
May 22, 2017
Ain’t this Midwest weather crazy?
As I’ve continued on my journey of discovery into the FA realm, I’ve had the fortune of being able to incorporate it into my everyday life, including my work. Part of what I do involves observing people through various high-tech surveillance devices. And since I work on a very large medical campus that includes several hospitals, a university medical school, nursing and pharmacy colleges, as well as various other related entities, I see thousands of people each day (so no, I’m not a mall security guard). One thing that I’ve come to firmly believe is that everybody notices and acknowledges the beauty of a big gal.

Now, this may not come as a surprise or shock to some of you. Perhaps you’ve known this for years yet others may not have known this at all. Either way, what I’ve observed over the course of the last few years leads me to believe that, while some people may be catty and respond in a negative manner, secretly those people are jealous in some way. Yes, there are those who have a preference and are admirers and even a fetishists. And of course, you have people who could care less either way. But everybody and I mean EVERYBODY who encounters a big honey takes notice.

From my secret lair (okay, it’s not a lair and it’s not really a secret) somewhere on the medical campus, I am tasked to monitor, diagnose, repair, install, and maintain various alarms and access controls to include over 800 CCTV cameras. Now, I’m not sitting here ogling women all day but I do periodically check to see that everything is okay in certain high traffic areas throughout the day. Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take notice of a nicely dressed gal every now and then (especially if she’s a BBW). But my main focus is looking at faces and I’ve noticed something that many people may not want others to know.

Men, and I mean dang near every guy whether straight, gay, transgender, skinny, fit, husky, or whatever will check out a big girl (especially if they think no one notices them doing it). Even a guy who outwardly is not attracted to fat will catch a glimpse or outright stare at a big girl as she walks by or if he walks behind her. There’s something about the way a nice bountiful booty swishes and sways as she walks that’s almost hypnotizing to a guy, even one who professes to only want a “fit” (what does that mean anyway) gal. They can’t help but look at a bursting bosom and cavernous cleavage. We are just wired that way (and don’t ever let some dude tell you that he doesn’t look because I have video proof!).

But the big revelation was that women do the same thing but for different reasons (as least I would think some of the reasons may be different). I do notice that if a woman is with other women, they’ll maybe make a face or whisper and giggle behind a BBW’s back (and sometimes to their face). But I’ve noticed that often, thinner women will actually look or stare and have a look of jealousy or envy seeing a large and lovely lady walking by. It’s the darnedest thing! The real kicker is watching them watch a guy who is looking at a BBW! That’s when the silent fireworks really begin!

So in closing, I just want the ladies here to know that even when others are whispering and giving you disapproving looks or making catty comments, they are probably secretly a little envious of your obvious gifts.

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