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An ode to Mandy (my first bbw)

Dimensions Magazine

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Ben from England

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
, -
I'd always loved fat girls, but had always struggled with being an uncloseted FA. The obvious advice of 'if they're really you're friends they'll understand' didn't help much. I think that when one person breaks from the sexual preference status quo it exposes insecurities and uncertainties others may feel. Much in the sameway that homosexuality threatens traditional heterosexual preferences, liking a fat girl threatens those that like thin girls by contradicting. Also, in much the same way i guess BBW's can feel isolated in a society where thin is in, it's hard not being able to relate to the guys i've grown up with on certain levels, especially without any type of size acceptance community to fall back on.

Compounding this, BBW's, in my experience, are few and far between. Maybe it was just my area but the fat girls just weren't around, definatly not in the night clubs, and when, like an eclipse, a gorgeous girl happened to be where i was they certainly weren't confident, rather suspisious and self-concious. My friends were forever trying to set me up with some girl or another, pushing me on girls they found attractive but left me cold, and it was on one such expedition that everything would change.

It was a friend of a friends birthday. My friends had brought me along to set me up with her, she was quite a pretty girl and we'd made idle chit-chat about 'stuff' and somewhat annoyingly i was sprayed in glitter spray stuff because it was a glitter party or something, but like always it was pretty much devoid of that spark. Then, on a trip to the bar i spotted an utterly gorgeous bbw stood with a friend (this was perfect, because the other killer in clubs and pubs is approaching a group of girls and then showing interest in the one that isn't supposed to get any attention. It's daunting and usually ended badly the few times i tried). I noticed her, a stunning 300lbish pear with short brown hair, but thought nothing of it. She was quite a bit older than me, and my night was already preprogrammed anyway.

On another of my many trips across to the bar that night I looked toward her again. This time she caught me looking and smiled. I didn't know what the hell to do and just kind of smiled like an idiot back and turned to the barman.

A bit later on again we made eye contact and shared a more prolonged smile.

At this point I began making excuses to walk past her and share a smile. After a few times she commented on the glitter that was sprayed all over my face. I smiled sheepishly and said something I can't even remeber back. I had been getting drunker as the night went on, but one adavntage of this drunkeness was the dutch courage it gave me.

As I came back across the bar fromthe toilet i noticed her friend was at the bar and she was stood alone. I moved in and said something. We started talking. She was kind of suspisious, kind of attracted and highly ammused that someone so much younger was persuing her. She radiated a sense of confiendence though, and flirted voraciously with me. I was utterly entranced, even my friends chiding fell on deaf ears.

She had a strapped top on, and when my hand touched the skin of her shoulder I felt more than i had boredly kissing any of the girls i had in similar enviroments before.

I had to leave, having promised to follow my friends to some night club across town. I asked her if she would meet me, and she said she would. It felt like the longest que for a club i had ever waited in.

I got in and waited. After forty minutes or so i spotted her. A very fat woman in her mid-thirties ambling alone across a dance floor occupied by hundreds of people at least ten years older than her. The confidence of this act in itself made me smile.

I met her in the middle, she looked slightly flustered and very out of place. I put my arms around her soft shoulders, i felt her hands around my waist. We danced and continued to flirt for a bit. Her hands slipped down lower and lower and we moved closer and clsoer together. It felt like the greatest night of my life so far, then she asked if i wanted to go back to hers. Needless to say, we left the club.

I vividly remember walking to a taxi with her, her arm around my waist, mine around hers, her walk an adorable waddle.

We got to a taxi and i helped her into the back. She told the driver where to go and sighed at the extertion of the whole journey from the club and then looked over at me smiling. I leaned over and we kissed, my hand reaching across her body and resting on her soft thigh.

We kissed and rubbed up against each other for the ten minute drive.

I followed her into her house, where she put on some music and asked if i wanted a drink. I said yes, and when she came back into the room and flopped down into the seat next to me I just looked at her and smiled. Her proportions were such that we couldn't kiss sat net to one another comfortably, and so she kind of rolled over in between my legs and we kissed. I touched her soft breasts and before long we were in the bedroom.

She stripped down in front of me, again betraying no lack of confiedence. She was not a self consious fat girl, this, i recognized, was a woman from the same mould as those I had admired on these boards.

The sex can probably best be decribed as a fantastic mess. I explored every inch of her body until we were exhausted, and then we slept next to one another, my hand across he side, her soft belly and thigh sitting atop my body.

I am glad that dimensions is here because I really wanted to share this pivotal moment in my life somewhere, a time that i truely became an FA. It's not that what my friends and family say isn't a pain in the arse, because it is, it's just that being an FA is even cooler than all that and well worth it.

(Sorry about the bad spelling, in a bit of a rush!)

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