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Angela's Beach - by Nick46 (SSBBW, Eating, Romantic Fantasy, ~MWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
SSBBW. Eating, Romantic Fantasy, ~MWG - A successful lady retires to find the man of her dreams before she gets too big; he finds her and this is the story of the beginning of a life together -

Angela's Beach
By Nick 46

(Dedicated to my Love in Tennessee)

Part One

There aren't many people in the world that can say they have a beach named after them, but Angela Jensen is one of those people. It had always been her dream to live near a beach, and today she has finally gotten her wish. After 7 1/2 years in the restaurant business she became successful enough to be able to afford property and a house near a beach.

She had worked very hard to get her first restaurant up and running, developing all the main course menus to her specifications and the desserts were made the way she wanted them. Of course taste testing all this food day in and day out was not only very enjoyable for Angela, as she just loved to eat, but also very fattening.

In the course of her business expanding to 3 restaurants her body had also expanded to where she now weighed in at just over 540 pounds. At 25 years old she was a beautiful woman, light brown hair to the middle of her back, beautiful sparkling blue eyes, that made your heart melt when you looked in them. She was the type where when you met her she would look you right in the eyes, and you knew that she was in control, not only of herself, but you got the feeling she might even control you.

She was very self-assured and made a point of letting people know it was okay to be fat, and you can be attractive and sexy and still be very fat. Most people that knew Angela had no doubt she was a sexy woman. Even men who preferred smaller woman had to admit she was very alluring in her ways.

With her total staff of over 80 people in the 3 businesses there was not a soul who didn't like their boss. She dressed so well and stylish that her female employees were always asking her for patterns to her clothes, then downsizing them and making their own. Of course Angela told them just eat a lot more and they'd be able to use the patterns as they were.

Angela made most of her own outfits or had them made, and there always seemed to be a crowd of girls around her asking questions about them. Angela loved the attention and enjoyed talking to her employees. It was like a big family.

Angela's day was spent going from restaurant to restaurant sampling the main dishes and desserts, especially the desserts, making sure her high standards were met. Her Mother had died when she was very young and being the oldest child she was responsible for most of the meals for her Father and younger sister and brother. This is where she developed her special talent at cooking and developing her own versions of certain recipes. People always said she should open her own restaurant and offer her recipes as the fare.

At 18 with a loan from her father she started her first store, and what a success it was. In fact it caught on so well expansion was in the works within the second year. From day one the business was not the only thing expanding. Angela had a knack for cooking but a special knack for eating too, almost non-stop from morning till night and always getting up during the night for a snack. She had aspirations to be successful which she was, but she also had aspirations to be very fat, she loved the thought of being immense, she loved the feeling of the fat on her body and being in this business was perfect for getting there.

Angela was never shy about showing her body, often going to the beach in revealing swimwear. Even at 540lbs. she was not shy to wear a bikini, her fat jiggling and shaking with every step she took. She loved to hear the remarks people made about her especially the disgusting ones. Some people even suggested diets to her and gave her their cards.

Angela would put on her best concerned face and say yes she was looking for ways to expand her self and if they had a way would they get in touch. They usually walked away disgusted at this but Angela would just giggle. Kids would point and laugh, teens would snicker and make half muffled rude remarks, but Angela would just smile and rub more oil or lotion on her fat arms and thighs, sometimes asking if someone would like to do her back. This always got the whispering going and anybody sitting with Angela always had plenty of entertainment from her.

No matter what people said she let it bounce off her and would counter with a jiggle of a roll, or just slowly rub one of her large rolls on her belly. Those jerks just didn't know how to take her; she didn't react the way she was supposed to! They didn't know this girl, she had wanted to be very fat since very young and once she was making enough money to be independent she was free to get as fat as she wanted. And that was exactly what she was going to do.

She had a boyfriend, Allen, whom she knew liked her a lot, but was a little self-conscious about going out with her in public, probably because she wasn't afraid to say what she thought when someone was rude to her. He was very attentive of her needs but a little unsure of himself in public with her.

Angela wanted someone who would be proud to be seen with her, as well as pamper and spoil her and love her for whom she was. She knew Allen tried hard but would never be able to be completely comfortable with a SSBBW or even be able to continue the fattening process past a certain point. At 540lbs. he was already complaining about her always needing this, needing that, and grumbling when he had to get up to get her a snack. If he was going to love and live with this big beauty he had better shape up. She was getting to the point where she needed more attention, and needed someone who would be there for her when she needed them. Angela knew this and knew he wouldn't be there when she reached 600 or more. He would find some excuse but he would be gone.

For the past few years Angela had dreamed about living right on a beach or very near to one. Her friend Liz was a realtor and had been keeping an eye out for land and a house on the west coast. Angela was wealthy enough now so that she could look at more options than a few years ago. Her plan was to move to the west coast of either the U.S. or Canada, an idea which was sparked after reading a brochure on the west coast given to her by friends who had returned from vacation there.

Actually she wanted to go out to B.C., the prettiest area which appeared in the brochure being Vancouver Island. Of course when she originally read it she only owned the one restaurant and couldn't have afforded it but now was a different story. She was well into the 6 digit figures for yearly income and a purchase of property out west was not out of the question. Her next move was putting the business up for sale, something which made her sad, and also her employees didn't want to see her go.

Liz her realtor was also handling the sale of the 3 restaurants. Three weeks looking and Liz had found a house on the west coast of Vancouver Island. The house was 25 years old, on 3/4 of an acre, and about 100 feet from a magnificent beach. A level trail led down to the beach so that somebody of Angela's size would have no trouble negotiating it. The lot was well treed and had beautiful gardens which were maintained by a contractor which would be continued if Angela wished. Well of course, what Fluffy lady wouldn't want the gardening done for her? The couple who lived there were moving to Europe and would be out by April 15th, a month away.

This was too good to pass up, and Angela gave Liz the word to make an offer, whatever it takes. Of course it was accepted, as Liz stayed a little high to insure getting it. They weren't the only ones looking at it, and she knew how much Angela loved it. Three days later there was a bidding war going on between two potential buyers of Angela's businesses. By the fifth day a deal had been struck and a married couple in their mid 30's bought it.

Angela mentioned to the woman, who weighed maybe 170lbs. that she had better fatten up if she wants any respect from her employees. She was joking of course, but the couple wasn't when they offered to keep Angela as a partner in order to insure the menus stay the same. Angela stressed that the chef's were excellent and all knew the exact taste she demanded from her recipes.

She told the new owner that if she made a habit of going around to each restaurant every day and sampling all the main courses and desserts she would be sure to get the feel of the business and know what was expected. She added that that is how she got where she is today. All the woman could do was look her up and down with a silly grin, taking in every inch of Angela's body, something which Angela didn't mind at all.

An gela finally agreed that she would sign on as a consultant just to make sure things went smoothly and that the menus were as tasty as ever. And when needed she would fly back east to tend to business. But Angela also knew that she was destined to be much, much fatter, and would soon be too fat to get on any plane, unless via the baggage compartment on a forklift.
This thought made her smile in a cheeky way, and the new owner picked up on the smile but of course didn't know why it was there. That was Angela's little secret, or big secret however you looked at it.

Things were looking good, and she was to fly out west on April 16th, a day after the B.C. couple moved to Europe. She was so excited, her dream falling into place. Of course she was right about Allen, he was already making excuses about not moving, like his consulting firm did all its business in Tennessee and North Carolina.

With his and Angela's money he could take a six-month holiday and look for work out west but she knew he wasn't coming and she would not force the issue. After all she had to have commitment from a guy and Allen was not into long-term commitment to a Fluffy lady. It wasn't his fault, just the way things were. She knew there would be a prince somewhere out west; she could just feel it.

The morning of the 16th came early; a 9AM flight time meant getting up early to have a big breakfast and pack a snack bag something she always did, as the airlines never served enough on board. Angela always packed plenty of pastries and candy, especially her favorite gummy bears and chocolate bars.

With about 10 hours to get out to B.C. with the stopovers and such, she would need at least enough treats to last her, on average about 2 pastries and 3 chocolate bars an hour. An insulated carry on bag suited her needs fine and allowed her to satisfy her cravings while traveling. Angela never stopped feeling hungry, and couldn't stand the feeling, so she had to have food in some form available all the time.

When thinking of meeting her prince she always knew he would have to be there for her, to cater to her needs, and never let her cravings go unsatisfied, no matter what they were. She had dreams of being treated like a Princess, always pampered and spoiled. When she thought of this she knew, finding a man who would agree to this lifestyle would be almost impossible, but she liked to keep her fantasy, it helped her get through the day.

Allen drove her to the airport, and she was glad he had agreed to this for she wanted to remain friends. They had some history together and she didn't want them to part on a sour note. Allen wished her luck in her new life, and she told him he would find a woman who would just want to be chubby but not huge. They had to laugh at this but it was true, and Allen grabbed her and gave her a long hug and thanked her for being his friend.

They kissed and he said goodbye, waving as she waddled toward the terminal boarding platform. Her baggage had been checked and so all she had was her carry on. She didn't have to stand long as they started boarding her flight within the next 10 minutes. Angela was shown to her seats, as she had to buy two to fit her wide hips comfortably. Once seated, she realized that maybe 3 might have been a good idea. Soon she knew she would be too big to be making any more flights, and expect to fit in the seats.

This didn't bother her though; if friends from out east wanted to see her they would have to fly out west to visit. They would also get a nice mini holiday in a beautiful part of the world too.

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