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Any Avenue bargain shoppers able to help...?

Dimensions Magazine

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Man up or move on!
Feb 20, 2006
Hi Folks,

Can any of you Avenue bargain shoppers help me out? I'm in need of some of their own label panties and thongs in size 30/32. I'm not really bothered what colours of designs etc and ideally I'd like about 20 or so pairs.

If anyone was in the mood to shop for them and then to ship them to me here in the UK I'll cover all your costs plus give you something for your trouble. It might work best if you have a Paypal account so I can pay you in advance so you're not out of pocket at any time.

Anyone fancy helping a girl out? I realise I'm asking a lot but it had to be worth a try. These are for me personally and not for resale I hasten to add.

Tracey xx

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