Autumn's Child
I really don't like to rant, but I just have to. It's short, sweet and to the point.
Today is the first really warm day that we have had here, and I can't stand it. I've always been extremely sensitive to sunshine, and have never tolerated warm weather all that well. Now we are looking at about three months of it. Besides being just adverse to sunlight, I am also now on medications that really accentuate my photosensitivity. I can wait until twilight to go out for my walks, which is fine as that is when I would normally venture outdoors anyway. But this heat (we are at 70 degrees already, and it is not even 11:00 am yet), ugh.
I know this must make me sound quite childish. And folks in the southern states have it much worse. But I just had to vent.
There, I feel so much better!
Thanks for letting me bend the ear people....
Today is the first really warm day that we have had here, and I can't stand it. I've always been extremely sensitive to sunshine, and have never tolerated warm weather all that well. Now we are looking at about three months of it. Besides being just adverse to sunlight, I am also now on medications that really accentuate my photosensitivity. I can wait until twilight to go out for my walks, which is fine as that is when I would normally venture outdoors anyway. But this heat (we are at 70 degrees already, and it is not even 11:00 am yet), ugh.
I know this must make me sound quite childish. And folks in the southern states have it much worse. But I just had to vent.
Thanks for letting me bend the ear people....