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AR14: Fat Celebrities - Without Their Fame - by Matt L. (XWG, BBW, Magic)

Dimensions Magazine

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Nov 18, 2005
~BBW, Magic, ~XWG - a view of what some lives could be with a few differences of fate

AR 14: Fat Celebrities - Without Their Fame

by Matt L.

(For prior story click here)


Neala sat thumbing through a celebrity scandal sheet as Leah waited on a plump young lady buying earrings as a gift for her sister-n-law. The young lady was handed the earrings, as Leah looked over her glasses, "These earrings will be a big surprise."

The young lady giggled, "That’s so cool. I can’t wait to see them on her."

Leah purred, "Oh, they’re worth the weight."

Once the young lady made tracks out of the antique store, Leah strolled over to Neala and took a seat.

"What are you reading about?", Leah enquired before sipping her tea.

Neala giggled, "Says here that Britney Spear’s manager is concerned about Britney’s fondness for fast food. Especially now that she hurt her knee and won’t be up for exercising for a while."

Neala neatly folded the magazine and placed it on the counter. "Like Britney would actually get fat. She has a personel trainer, that’s not going to happen."

Leah nodded her reply as Neala continued, "I can see by Britney’s shape; she could really put on the weight if not careful. If she wasn’t a pop star and didn’t need to watch her shape, she’d be a cute chubbette all right."

Curiosity infringed upon Leah’s mind. "Would you like to see for sure?", Leah asked.

Neala smiled, "That mademoiselle would be fun. But how?"

Leah escorted Neala to the backroom and they stood in front of the huge mirror with oak trim. Leah placed two folding chairs for them to sit on and upon refreshing their teacups; they gazed into the mirror.

As the mirror at first became cloudy, Neala brushed up along side of Leah, "Tell me, are we going to see a few other fattened celebrities as well?"

Leah nodded, "Why not? I’m anxious to see how the slim and famous behave out of their arena and size 4 wardrobes."

The mirror cleared and the friends watched......


"Are you finished sweetie?", Britney asked her two year-old daughter seated in her highchair. She placed the jar of baby food on the table and lifted her daughter into the air.

"Almost time for momma ta go ta work", Britney cooed to her baby as she made tracks to the tiny bedroom located in the low income housing project where they nested.

After Britney placed her daughter into her playpen, she turned to the mirror and frowned at her reflection. "How come I’m still so fat?"

Actually Britney at 175-pounds to be exact, wasn’t fat at all, but just mildly chubby. Slender until giving birth two years earlier, Britney never lost the 50-pounds she put on during her pregnancy.

Britney’s hand caressed her full cheeks, littered with the hint of acne. She next traced her small double chin with her fingers and then stepped back away from the mirror. Snapping off the rubber band that held her brownish-blond mane in a ponytail, she watched as her hair flowed over the top of her shoulders.

Cute dimples appeared in her swollen cheeks as she smiled, "I guess I’m still pretty enough."

Dressed in a ratty flannel shirt which she wore unbutton exposing the tube top underneath and gym shorts that barely fit, Britney closely scrutinized her body. Her upper arms and breasts were indeed large, but modestly firm, most of the soft fat claimed her belly and below.

Britney missed her flat tummy; her big protruding belly was a problem for her. Pouring over the waistband of her gym shorts, her belly was completely round and pudgy. Even sucking in her gut didn’t help; her belly was out there. Her waist was flabby with a thick set of rolls, the biggest one lying over her child baring hips.

Britney paused for a moment as she shook her belly, "Why won’t you shrink!"

Her fingers deeply fading into the cushy, soft fat of her belly. Wiping her hair from out of her eyes, Britney then turned sideways and covered her mouth.

"Uh oh, not good", Britney remarked as she noticed her butt looking much more bloated than usual. Her behind seemed to drop lower as well, plopping over her plump mushy thighs. Her saddlebags that had a meager portion of cottage cheese strained the fabric of her shorts, causing an exaggeration of their size. Standing on the scale, Britney discovered she had put on an additional five pounds.

"This is why my butt is bigger", Britney replied as she squeezed her inflated rump.

Britney went back into the kitchen, her belly jiggling as she moved. Finishing off the baby food, Britney looked through her cabinets for something else to munch on. The cabinets were empty with exception to some moldy bread and stale taco shells. Britney then opened her fridge and pouted. In her fridge was a lone half-empty carton of milk. Slamming the fridge door shut, Britney grabbed another jar of baby food and thus spread out over her second hand sofa. Kicking off the pillows, Britney open the jar and slowly began to eat. Lying on her back, Britney enjoyed a large spoonful of baby food then began massaging her husky thighs.

"Maybe eating this stuff, I’ll lose weight", Britney giggled as her fingers roomed over a tiny patch of cellulite.

Taking another helping of her dinner, Britney squeezed her flabby thigh, "Wow, like so spongy."

She then caressed her bulging belly, pushing her fingers deep into the fat. As she gulped another helping, Britney heard a knock on her door, "You all come on in, the doors open."

It was her best friend and babysitter, Amy Jo Rustrin. Amy Jo was a pretty gal, whose dark brown hair was set in curlers that accented her chubby face. A year older than Britney, Amy Jo was dressed in a colorful sundress that tightly clung to her well-fed 200-pound body. Amy Jo commented on Britney’s dinner and Britney explained, "I’m so broke, there’s nothing here to eat."

Amy Jo accompanied Britney into the bedroom, where Britney polished off the baby food and then got dressed for work.

"Why not ask Horace for sum cash? Don’t he pay ya child support?", Amy Jo asked as she hopped upon Britney’s bed.

Britney removed her clothing, "You know Horace ain’t got no real job. Matter of fact, only time I see him, he’s usually looking for a loan or fer attention."

Amy Jo laid over the bed, "I wish you’d end all ties with him. Maybe he’s your baby’s daddy, but he ain’t no real man."

Britney stood facing the mirror, looking at her chubby body as Amy Jo added, "and stop sleeping with him!"

Britney tugged on the waistband of her ugly granny style underwear, her belly jiggling as the fabric snapped back. "Who’d want a big fat girl like me? Horace is all I got."

Amy Jo argued back, "Hey, hey, hey! I’m fat, even fatter than you. I got a boyfriend and he treats me so nice. There’s someone out there fer you."

Britney put on her white blouse, "But Carl Lloyd is a special case. He met you when you were thin. I ain’t ever gonna meet a nice guy looking like a blimp."

Amy Jo climbed out of bed and approached her friend. "Oh Britney, you’re a very pretty girl, you know that? You have beautiful eyes and a cute nose; I’m sure many fine young men would find you attractive."

Britney held her big belly, "But look at my belly, my butt! I’m way too fat!"

Britney whined, "I wish I was still 125-pounds, I was sexy then."

Amy Jo tried to reason with her friend, but couldn’t reach her.

Then things seemed to swirl and reality changed

Within a few minutes Britney was in her uniform, and though couldn’t see it, looked stunning. A dark blue blazer was worn over her white blouse with a dark blue skirt hanging just below her pudgy knees. Britney combed back her hair and Amy Jo put it into a bouncy ponytail. Britney’s face radiated an unique beauty with a dash of cosmetics and her body looked better kept in her stylish uniform. Matter of fact it complimented her form, especially her full-sized derriere.

Britney was employed at a small family style hotel, working the front desk on the midnight shift. She didn’t mind working the late shift. It was slow during those hours and Britney mainly read and munched on whatever leftovers the kitchen provided. Of course she made frequent stops to the candy machine, located right there in the lobby.

A few years earlier Britney worked the day shift, leaving when she became pregnant. She had recently returned. A few employees would make fun of the weight she put on, of course behind her back, but not Jim.

Jim worked the afternoons as a janitor and fell in love with Britney the moment he laid eyes on her. Though back then, Britney had a different attitude and only spoke with Jim when she had too. She thought Jim to be just a janitor, she wanted a man who could provide more for her or at least looked cool. That was Horace, who looked cool, but was fired from one job after another. Britney slowly ensured a comfortable friendship with Jim, but otherwise kept her distance.

It was closing in on one in the morning when Jim walked into the hotel lobby with a bouquet of roses. Six altogether, pink and red in color. Jim was on the average side of handsome, but looked sharp in a red stripe shirt and gray slacks.

Britney removed her eyes from the romance novel, "Wow! Who’s the flowers for?"

Jim tilted his head, "They’re for you?"

Britney raised her eyebrows, "But it’s not a holiday or anything?"

Jim handed Britney the roses; "Does a man need a holiday to bring flowers to a lady? It’s a beautiful, moonlit summer night. The perfect time to bring a beautiful lady flowers."

"Beautiful?", Britney thought to herself. That word, "Beautiful", made her feel fat and awkward.

Britney walked around the counter, "I could use a break, want to join me outside for a candy bar?"

Within minutes the pair was outside and strolled around the hotel’s courtyard. "I really shouldn’t be eating chocolate. My butt is starting to get bigger and bigger", Britney giggled.

Jim took a bite from his nestle’s crunch, "You look fine to me."

Britney’s hand flowed over her paunchy belly, "Remember how slim I was? I was used to be so beautiful."

Jim smiled, "From where I’m standing, you look simply gorgeous right now."

Britney didn’t like being referred to as gorgeous or beautiful or attractive. In her mind she was fat, frumpy, sloppy.

"Know what Jim? I better get back to work, thanks for the flowers. Have a good night."

Jim held his hand to his heart, "Yeah, goodnight."

Week followed week and Britney tried to keep her distance from Jim. Sure she was flattered by his attention, but she didn’t know what he was up to? Why tell her she was gorgeous, when she wasn’t gorgeous? Not only that, but Jim was just a janitor. Maybe he was a top shelf kind of guy, but a janitor? No way.

Jim continued to flirt with Britney, asking her out, remembering her birthday was a card and key chain for a gift. Still no dice on her part. That was until one day as Britney told Amy Jo, "Jim told me that he wanted to give me a break at home. You know? Clean my apartment, cook me dinner. The whole nine yards."

Amy Jo eased back into Britney’s soiled sofa, "And you told him no?"

Britney nodded, "Yeah I told him no. What does he want from me?"

Amy Jo leaned towards Britney, "You’re so over reacting. From what you tell me he’s a very nice guy. You better not lose him; nice guys are like scarce."

Britney tapped her belly, "He is a very nice guy, but he keeps telling me I’m beautiful, what’s he after?"

Amy Jo giggled, "Oh man, you are so naive. Maybe he actually finds you attractive."

Britney folded her arms over her ample bosom, "But I’m fat."

Amy Jo shrugged her shoulders, "And so what does that have’t to do with anything?"

Britney brought up Jim being just a janitor and Amy Jo had an answer for that as well. "Does he show up for work everyday and on time? Does he work hard? If he was in a different occupation or cool looking, would you still find his nature appealing?"

Britney stared at her friend, "Well, yeah. Like I said, he’s a very nice guy."

Britney then smiled, "Actually he is sweet. The other day this old couple lost their...."

Amy Jo interrupted Britney, "Then go out with him. Snag him and don’t let him go."

Britney glanced over her thick thighs, "But I feel so uncomfortable with my size. I’m not attractive enough to date someone."

Amy Jo pinched a roll of fat that circled Britney’s pudgy waist, "Get over it. He knew you when you were slim; he’s comfortable with your size, so you should be too."

Needless to say, Britney took Jim up on his request and he arrived over at her apartment on that very Saturday afternoon. Amy Jo took Britney’s daughter with her for the day, so the couple could spend their time together without being interrupted. Feeling self-conscious about her body, Britney down played her appearance, wearing her trademark flannel shirt and baggy sweat pants

Jim arrived promptly at one in the afternoon with a shopping bag full of groceries. "I’ll clean your kitchen first Brit, then work on the living room, okay?"

Britney’s shook her head, "Yeah, okay. What do you want me to do?"

Jim let loose a tremendous belly laugh as he fumbled through the shopping bag and removed a few candles and a box of imported chocolates. "I’ll fix you a nice, warm bubble bath."

Jim handed Britney the chocolates and made his way to the bathroom, candles in hand. Within a few minutes Britney was in the tub, surrounded by candles, munching on chocolates, while Jim was cleaning the kitchen.

The first couple of roaches kind of unglued his nerves, but by the time the kitchen was given the once over, he was used to the little villains. Britney laid in the tub, bubbles up to her chin as she went to town on the candy.

"So I’ll start my diet tomorrow", she thought to herself with a bold smile. By the time Britney was in her bathrobe and in the living room, Jim as vacuuming the carpet.

"Hey Britney, give me a few minutes, then you can lie on the couch and watch TV."

Britney ran her hand through her moist hair; "You shouldn’t go to all this bother."

Jim grinned; "It’s no bother at all, Brit. Just relax and I’ll have supper ready in an hour."

Britney acknowledged Jim with a slow nod and retreated to her bedroom and dressed for dinner. She figured on looking nice for dinner, after all Jim was going the whole nine yards for her, she might as well meet him half way. Britney went through her clothes and pouted. All her nice garments were leftovers from when she was 50-pounds lighter. Britney had no choice but to wear a yellow T-shirt and green sweat pants. The items fit upon her figure nicely, but couldn’t hide her big belly, thick waist, healthy thighs, nor plump behind.

"I look so fat", Britney remarked with a sour expression upon her pretty face. Britney wore her hair up and used just a hint of cosmetic’s to compliment her sweet facial features.

Britney was about to doze off as she watched TV, When Jim entered the living room, "Hey Britney, ready for supper?"

Britney stood, catching her bulging belly with her hands, "Yeah, I guess."

The kitchen table was arranged in a fancy style with candles and flowers. Britney giggled at the sight then took her seat. Jim served her a steak and baked potato, freshly baked rolls with butter, a tossed salad and wine. Britney snickered, "I haven’t eaten like this in a while. You’re spoiling me and I’m gonna get fatter."

Jim opened the wine and poured Britney a glass, "None of that kind of talk. Just enjoy your meal."

They conversed as they ate, like old friends catching up on lost times. Once the main course was over, Jim escorted Britney into the living room for dessert. On a plate was a huge slice of cherry pie topped with two scoops of ice cream. Jim handed Britney the plate and took a seat next to her on the couch.

As she began to eat, Jim picked up Britney’s legs, removed her socks and began massaging her feet. Britney spoke as she nibbled, "My gosh Jim, if this became a habit, I wouldn’t want you to leave."

Jim nodded, "If I knew you better Brit, I’d gladly massage your whole body. Even give you a sponge bath."

Britney raised her eyebrows as she gobbled up a piece of pie, "Oh wow."

Jim paused for a minute, "I didn’t mean to be too forward."

Britney smiled, "No, it’s not that. I just wouldn’t want you to see me naked. I mean, I’m way too fat."

Jim removed the plate and fork out of Britney’s hands, "Don’t talk like that, Britney. Even if you were heavier, your beauty wouldn’t change."

Jim proceeded to feed Britney, who just leaned back and enjoyed. Once Britney devoured the pie and Ice cream, Jim fed her the remainder of the chocolates as they watched TV.

"Oh yeah, I can get used to this", Britney giggled, finally starting to relax and recognize Jim was telling his truth as he thought it..

She then wiped her mouth and added, "What are you doing next Saturday?"


Jim arrived home from work and making his way through the living room greeted their four children. The oldest one, whom he adopted, informed Jim, "Mommy’s in the kitchen."

Jim slowly opened the kitchen door and saw the love of his life over the stove. Britney’s long blondish-brown hair curled at her shoulders and perfectly framed her sweet, chubby face. The added pounds that came with being a full time housewife and mom didn’t hinder her beauty. Her facial features looked all the more splendorous with inflated round cheeks and plump second chin.

Jim went unnoticed as he crept around Britney’s luxurious behind and slowly maneuvered himself to the chocolates that sat in the cabinet. Jim briefly paused to take in Britney’s beauteous appearance before removing a large piece of chocolate from the box. Jim leaned over Britney’s backside and as she twisted her head, Jim fed her the chocolate. Britney rolled her eyes and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling Jim into her embrace.

"I thought we we’re going to save the chocolates until tonight?", Britney giggled.

Jim shook his head, "Yeah, I know. Just that you look so cute, I couldn’t help myself."

Britney tightly squeezed her love, "But you’re still going to feed me tonight after the sponge bath?"

Jim grinned, "As soon as we get the children in bed."

Jim tickled Britney’s flabby waist to free himself, but she charged back, pressing him into the fridge as they engaged in a deep, long kiss.

Since marrying Jim, Britney’s life progressed upwards. Jim went to school and in a matter of time became a hotel manager. They moved to a middle class neighborhood and into a fine frame house. Britney’s weight continued to soar with every birth, but she slowly accepted the fact that a woman’s size has nothing to do with being attractive.

Jim gazed at Britney’s face, and then his eyes soaked in her plus size figure. Britney was dressed in a cherry red sleeveless top and black spandex that snugly fit her 270-pound-body. Her husky upper arms jiggled as her ample bust bounced over her enormous belly. Large rolls circled her expansive waist and a soft layer of fat covered her extremely wide hips.

Britney’s colossal bubble butt was equal to the size of her belly and sailed high into the air, over her chunky mammoth thighs. Jim griped her biggest love handle and he gently pulled her into his space. Massaging her fatty waist, Jim looked upon his love with come-hither eyes, "You’re so beautiful."

Britney giggled,

"Yeah, I know." Then a smiled appeared upon her pretty face, "I’m gorgeous."

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