I sometimes wonder if fat women sometimes have unrealistic expectations when it comes to men, FAs or no. Are we looking for a superman, a knight in shining armor; someone to rescue us from our (fat) selves or are we looking for someone to complete us? When we talk about the kind of guy we want, and I hear things like I want a man who wants me for me - a guy who wants me despite my fat, I'm never sure if this is a rejection of one's size or an acknowledgment of it. I realize too that how much we identify with being fat (a wish to disown it or accept it completely as who we are) probably has something to do with our expectations...I just wonder if we expect too much from men, like, we don't expect them to be perfect, but we do expect them to "get" us as fat women, whatever that means.... Then I think also of the kinds of women who think they can change men after they meet them....are there fat women who expect to be able to change a man's mind regarding how he reacts to our size? My thoughts about this are all jumbled up so I hope the jist of what I'm asking makes sense....