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Are you socially retarded?

Dimensions Magazine

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Queen of Contempt
Oct 4, 2005
I'm not asking this to be offensive. I'm asking because I feel that I am, and was wondering if anyone else felt the same way.

I feel like I'm stuck on a 7th grade level when interacting with men in social situations (I can interact with them in work situations just fine). I mean, I had to send a friend over to talk to a cute guy for me in Orlando, because there is no way I could do it (He wrote me an adorable note, too, which I still have - how lame is *that*?)

He did comment to me later when we were talking that Mensans have no social skills at all. And being fat and smart - well, I wonder if that isn't a double whammy. I do prefer Mensa events to fat events, though, because Mensans aren't in the habit of having events where strangers lick whipped cream off of each other, though. (Not that there is anything wrong with that if that is how you want to interact with people. It just isn't *my* idea of a fun time, which doesn't have to match up with everyone else's idea of a fun time.) Also, it makes me very uncomfortable to be around what I refer to as the hypersexuality of fat women. I wonder if constantly being overtly and sometimes inappropriately sexual around men is not just as much a form of social retardation as the one I feel I suffer from.

I don't know how many of you watch Big Brother, but they showed a long flirting sequence between Janey and Will last night, and it occurred to me I have NO idea how to do that. (If anyone else watches Big Brother and thinks of something to compare this too that more people may recognize, please post it. And I couldn't act like that if I tried. And it looks fun, and life affirming. And while I will never be drop dead gorgeous like she is (oh, how I would trade every ounce of my brains to look like that for..oh, a DAY), surely I can learn to flirt?

And I wonder if that is why I can't find a date, because I don't know how to react in social situations...thoughts?

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