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Arizona passes bill to enforce federal immigration law

Dimensions Magazine

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Dec 29, 2005
This is a weird one. You can argue that states can't make immigration law, but they didn't. They passed a law to enforce federal law that the feds aren't enforcing. It also has some other provisions similar to the Oklahoma immigration bill passed in 2007 and if that was illegal I assume it would have been struck down by now.

I know the tired old apoplectic epithets of racism will be thrown out. But Arizona has real problems, drug cartels and violent gangs go back and forth willy-nilly over the border. Unemployment is high and many businesses that follow the rules can't compete with the under-the-table paid undocumented workers. What jobs won't Americans do when unemployment is so high exactly? So they're like "well federal law supposedly prevents this stuff, but the feds won't enforce it they've abandoned us."

Obama say's this is "misguided" and he's trying to find out if its legal. How legal is it for the executive branch to not enforce the laws on the books?

What do you guys think? And remember if you are a citizen of Arizona your opinion counts about 50 kabillion times more than every one else's.



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