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Article: Is Agustin Carstens too Fat to be IMF Chief?

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
Here is an article that asks the question about whether due to his "morbid obesity" (geez, that phrase is so horrible), Agustin Carstens should not be considered for the position of IMF chief since it's such a demanding job and potentially his "energy level" and "health" may not be up for it.

In general I do think that people should do jobs they are equipped for and able to do well. I also think that for some fat people, their fat can contribute to having less energy to undertake strenuous tasks (this only applies to SOME fat people, of course). But whether it applies to the particular fat person in the article, well, that's pure speculation and the author is engaging in irresponsible conjecturing. (In the news media?!?!?!? :eek: I know, shocking.)

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